Is it the lack of daylight that is making

by aquagirl 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    I think a number of incidents have happened that contribute to the board's edginess. The Danny Haszard incidents are probably the highest profile, since his actions have created a powerful division of opinions. Then we have had a couple of troll incidents where one or more trolls impersonated several people, posting porn and other bad material in their names. This is causing turmoil for good posters, and making them more prone to being edgy that they may be next.

    Hopefully, we will get past it all soon. When we have people that create problems for other posters, the administrators will take care of it. The troll(s) that keep setting up multiple accounts and acting up under different names have, or likely will soon be, banned by their IP addresses. This means that, if they try to open another account, it will be rejected permanently. Existing accounts by these trolls will be closed down, and the mods will remove those posts. While it will take a while to get back on our feet, eventually things will settle down and we can focus on the real issue: The Watchtower Society's next move.

    Some people do in fact react to the weather. Shorter days, clouds, and rain/snow make some people irritable. For these people, getting out in what little sun they might have is the best medication. Using a light box might also help. Those that are sensitive to the cold would benefit from dressing warmly; those who are not will not. And then there is the holiday season. While we might not all wish to celebrate, those who do can benefit if we do at least something. We might not have long shopping lists. We might not send or receive a lot of Christmas cards. We might not get a lot of presents, or any at all. But, decorating our places for Christmas and putting on some Christmas music can help. Going to the mall and enjoying the holiday music and lights will help for those faders that have to look out for Brother Hounder if they decorate their own places for Christmas.

    For those who have seasonal problems with depression, there is some hope. March and April are not that far off. Until then, we just have to suffer a while. Some temporary relief can be had by doing something for Christmas, however little. Go to the mall and browse, enjoying the Christmas lights and music. If you are already disfellowshipped or disassociated, or have little to lose, you might get your Christmas tree up and lit this year. That alone could ease the symptoms for a while--look for more threads that offer advice on how to set up and decorate a Christmas tree and pick your favorite theme. Or, just go out and make your own ornaments. Not the final solution, but it will at least give you some time before April gets here and finally puts an end to it for the season.

  • llbh

    I am new here too. and found people very kind to me. I do also know that some have had a hard time on certain issues, which was uncalled for. I believe that those who have been unpleasant will be shown up for what they are, and we can continue to be a happy community


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