Dumber than Dirt ?

by JH 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Anybody know how to get these boogers out of my knuckle hair?

    I find that if you soften them with a little A1 sauce, they'll suck right out quite nicely.

  • BFD

    I bet the next generation only uses ketsup.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    My daughters report card 10/24/07 10th grade

    Yes I am proud!!!!! But, sometimes, I think she is dumber than dirt. No, she is not brilliant. She doesn't read. When I read things to her, (Like off the internet for FYI) and I ask her if she knows what that word means? She has no idea. I don't know what they are teaching in the schools. But, when she brings home great grades, and I figure she is in the top 5% of her class, I am scared. Are they dumbing down their teaching? The Honors Algebra class, has an old fashioned older man, for a teacher. He only teaches 3 Honors classes. In my daughters class, 4 females. ***** Trig 2 males, 1 female *****Advanced Math 3 females, 1 male. 11 students total. Out of 400 student body. I am amazed that they keep the guy. But thank God they do.

    Band A

    Spanish II A

    English Honors II A

    Algebra Honors II B

    Biology Honors A

    World History A

    Computer Application A

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Horrible life, sometimes one forgets exactly what he knew at that age. ;-)

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Ok, John, I read what you wrote, about 10 times. I tried to remember that age. I am too old. But you made me feel better.

  • WTWizard

    I believe it to be true, but it is not the children's fault. The leaders want children to be dumb so they can tell them what to do and not get any lip about it. They want to program people, and make the average life simply a running of their program. This gives the leaders power and allows them to plunder our money.

    And it's not just the President. Most of the blame goes to the regulatory agencies like the FDA. These agencies control what goes on in the classroom. They control what textbooks are allowed and how they are to be taught. They rule that teachers have to use the look-say method to teach kids to read instead of the superior phonics. They make the rule that the times tables have to be memorized. Teach by rote memorization of disjointed facts. Most people will not be able to put them together, and will be disruptive and make other problems. Many drop out. Few master reading and arithmetic.

    I can remember when I learned multiplication. There was about 15 pages in my workbook that explained what it was, and I took about 10 seconds to learn and master multiplication from that, and another 10 minutes to construct my times tables out to 12 X 12 (this was in second grade). It was not highlighted, and most people had to use rote memorization. They took all of third grade to remember their times tables out to 9 X 5, and fourth grade to go out to 12 X 12. If it took me ten seconds to learn my way what took everyone else two years to learn by the Establishment, that tells me something's wrong with the Establishment.

    Why are some children breaking out? The Internet, of course. It is easy for children, and some parents, to Google "Phonics". They can learn phonics online. They can also learn multiplication in an integrated fashion (by combining and dividing sets) online, too. Much of what's online is not approved for educational uses, which means it does not support the Establishment's agenda. That is probably how many children do most of their learning.

    And the same goes for nutrition. The Establishment is that nutrition makes little difference, and that packaged foods are OK. One can find volumes about hydrolyzed soy protein, soy protein isolate, vegetable oils, coconut oil, high fructose corn syrup, monosodium glutamate, Splenda, Neo-Tame, aspartame, and the growth hormones used in milk online. Most of it doesn't fit in with the Establishment. Some is on forums where people have actual experiences. Some is on independent journals like www.newstarget.com . One can thus form their own opinions on the subjects with several different sources instead of relying on the Establishment to tell them.

    We are now at a crossroads. The Establishment has the agenda of keeping people in the Dark Ages. The Internet allows people to be enlightened, often without any licensing or endorsements. The Establishment is thus at odds with the Internet. Either the Establishment is going to regulate or abolish the Internet with zero tolerance for dissenting viewpoints, or the Internet is going to ruin the Establishment's agenda the way it is ruining the Watchtower Society. I am hoping that the Internet continues to expose the Establishment's scams (and the Watchtower Society's). Then our system of licensing material for inclusion in textbooks and tests will be permanently ruined with angry parents and children that know the real truth from looking it up. Keep the Internet up, and those children that are always online will be smarter than those leaders that keep them in the dark. True, they might be fat. But they will be very well educated and smarter than the educators that continue promoting outdated materials and inefficient disjointed learning methods.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Wizard, you're full of crap.

  • Hortensia

    from the position of someone who occasionally hires recent high school graduates, I agree completely. They might have intelligence, but no education, no grammar, can't spell, can't do basic arithmetic. They also have no manners, no work ethic, they look like prostitutes and drug dealers, they don't know how to fill out a job application form. It's appalling.

  • somegirl

    Spell & grammer check, calculators computers technology all play a part in making things easier but it also makes it to were you don’t have to think for yourself.

  • LisaRose

    It makes me think of a movie I watched (my son and his wife picked it out). It's called Idiocracy. The premise of the movie is an average IQ guy is accidently frozen and then revived many centruies from now. The world had become so dumbed down (because stupid people were procreating, while thinking people were afraid to have kids), that he is now the smartest person in the country. It's not something I ever would have rented (very crude) but it did make me think about these issues. It seems like critical thinking skills are just missing is a lot of people I see. So many things on TV/Movies/Music are just mindless drivel. People seem content to fill their bodies with junk food and their minds with junk entertainment. I'm not an intellectual by any means, didn't go to college (for reasons only you on JWD would understand), but I just don't see what people see in most entertainment today.

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