At what point did you stop being an idiot?

by Hiddenwindow 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Being an idiot, how can I intelligently answer that?

  • darkuncle29

    It is a paradox of language, as is most Taoist or Zen writing.

    Take two people. One is your uncle who you know is a braggert and bigmouth, has an opinion on everything, and is "always right". Loves to argue just to ruffle people, has a degree in lets say, P.E. and has never taught.

    The other, your other uncle. A farmer, degree in AG, farmed his whole life, grew up on a farm.

    They are arguing over an obscure detail about growing corn in sandy soil in a river valley in a northern midwest state.

    Who do you think "knows" what he's talking about here? The loud mouthed P.E. teacher who never taught in school, but "has a degree"; or the farmer?

    This is a real life scenario between my uncles. I know who I'd bank with, as long as they're discussing corn.

    The uncle growing the corn, doesn't "need" to argue about how to grow corn in his river bottom, he "knows" how to do it, why would he need to get the other's support on his crop practices?

  • jaguarbass

    I was raised to be a salesman for the publishing company. I was always told I asked to many questions.

    But I didnt figure out how to escape until 1983 when I was 31.

  • R.Crusoe

    There are many stories untold. Some of you have had a trip that is not fully understood which keeps you in an unhappy place for long after leaving. And it is hard to be positive because you do not feel life is a positive for all sorts of reasons. You would be diagnosed as a depressive but you know the real problem is getting close to other humans who think and care and feel like you do - getting back into a tribe or group with whom you feel a bond or family essence which has the potential to go on for life. Maybe this is why so many people stay assocoated to JWs many years after they realise the 'idiocy' of so much of it!

    And being out can bring you onto another unavoidable trail of tears wondering, inspite of everything, where life is going and how to explain yourself to those who've been on a regular road in life who see you as some sort of crank or whateva. Not finding people who see the real you is what sends people under IMHO. And those who go under simply prove all the badly informed gossip to have been right - which it never really was! Same the world over.

    Where do broken hearts go? Where do broken people go? Where can they find a light for the road ahead?

    Let those who know tell those who don't!

  • NewYork44M

    I am on a five-year cycle. I cannot believe how much of an idiot I was 5 years ago. Always felt that way. Which means that five years from now I will look pretty dumb.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    I was always pretty open minded. I moved out of my parents home at 19, and took lots of comments from the elders. Eventually I went ahead and went to college no matter what kind of comments were made from elders and others. I knew where my boundaries were to keep out of the JC. There are some things that the elders just cant pin on you. There was no law against going to concerts, moving out of your parents home or going to college. They can make remarks, but they can't disfellowship you for it. But, I decided to stay in because of family. I was "spiritually weak" and very unhappy but I hung in there. It's been 5 years since I quit.

  • LongHairGal


    Regarding the elder school of 2005 where they say the elders are a clergy class: have they put this in print in an article anywhere?? I would like to know. I also wonder how many JWs actually know this is true. Or, are they in ignorance like they are about the abuse scandals among other things.

    Even though I am fading, I will definitely write a letter telling them that I left christendom because I couldn't stand the idea of a clergy class. What makes them think I would tolerate this from them?


  • Blueblades

    Who you calling an idiot..idiot? I was never aware that I was an idiot until now, can I stop now?

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