Are JW's really hated?

by lfcviking 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    No greater, no lesser, then any other religion

  • nvrgnbk
    Otherwise at the most the JW's are just a pest or an object of amusement to some people. So why is it they have this misconception that they are truly hated?

    I used to think that the world hated JW's when I was one. It is what the publications promote to make members feel more isolated and in need of other JW's for support. I also used to think the JW's were a large organization -as big as some European nations - busy preaching all over the Earth.

    The truth is a lot different. Most people have little interest one way or another, and know very little about JW's. By far the majority of people in the world have little contact with JW's either, apart from an occasional attempt by JW's on a Saturday to peddle their mags.

    I moved away, so I am not known by JW's in my new location. I have looked forward to having a conversation with them when they call - that has yet to happen once in 2 years.

    They are actually a very small organisation when considered globally. There are 48 million in the world who are blind - 20,000 children die every day in Asia alone from preventable illnesses etc. 6 million globally is very small. And very few Witnesses who knock doors EVER do more than offer the mags - they RARELY want to/are able to actually discuss religion to any depth.

    They're not hated by the world.

    Most of the world doesn't know they exist.

    Those that do, mostly don't care.

    They're largely irrelevant.

  • cypher50

    Hated? Psst, yea right...people HATE the KKK, people HATE Nazis, people HATE terrorists...JWs are for the vast majority of people just another weird religion that have a gimmick (knocking on people's doors). There are individuals & groups that hate JWs but there are also groups that hate any religion you can think of so are those also the true religion?

  • Dansk

    I think most people hate the JWs calling, rather than hating the JWs personally.


  • WTWizard

    This can be split up. If you ask whether I hate them, it is split. No, I don't want to cause individuals harm. But I do hope that bad things happen to the organization, like having the membership heading south or having them WAY short on donations. And I hope for the members to stumble. I also hope for them to have the most futile results possible in field circus. And for the boasting sessions to get cancelled for snow.

    As for the world in general, I think most of them hate having their activities disrupted or getting woke up early in the morning for something stupid. A few hate them to the point of getting out their gun and shooting them or siccing their dogs on them, but most of them are merely annoyed at being disturbed for nothing.

  • blondie

    Who said, Hate the Sin, not the sinner?

    Unfortunately, jws are taught to hate the sinner and to believe that all non-jws will die at Armageddon without any sadness. Of course, it doesn't make them any more energetic in "converting" these soon to be destroyed individuals.


  • MidwichCuckoo
    Are JW's really hated?

    No, but the Org has brainwashed them into thinking they are, thus fulfilling Jesus' words

  • BizzyBee
    "the world will HATE you just like it has HATED me"

    This is soooo much more dramatic than the reality -

    "The world will be completely oblivious to your existence, but for the handful who will find you mildly annoying......."

  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    Great topic. This comes up periodically with hubby. When he's feeling really "persecuted" by me, he states "I knew it, you hate the JW's". No, I don't hate each and every JW...I mostly feel sorry for them. What I hate is the WTBTS that has brainwashed so many people into throwing their lives away for such foolishness. Too bad most dubs can't see the grey for the black & white.

  • Gregor

    JWs thrive on persecution. J F Rutherford recognized the value of this phenomenom and began establishing new light that would, on the one hand. generate animosity by outsiders and on the other hand put JWs into situations that required a deep commitment to the WTS.

    Imagine the atmosphere in WWII when every able bodied male was being sent to war. JWs not only refused military service but forbid their children from saying the pledge of allegiance. They then would go stand on the streetcorners in small redneck towns until a mob gathered and ran them off.

    Currently, it is indifference that is one of their biggest enemies. That is why I find it so discouraging to see XJWs getting involved in malicious acts towards the local R&F. This helps immensely in the WTS keeping it's grip on them.

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