by FadingELD 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    Hang in there and let us know how things are going.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Fading ELD.

    (((HUGS))) Thank you for updating us, as we are sincerely interested in what happens to you and your family! Hang in there. At least you and your wife are talking. The shock and newness will fade and she will be left wondering what in the heck has she left her family for? Can you reason with her that it is her moral obligation before Jehovah to stay with her family even if you choose to leave the borg? Can you explain to her that you have not left Jehovah? Perhaps you have already tried these things without any sucess. Never say never though. She may in time come around. Till then you and your sons have our love and support! We look forward to hearing more from you, and hearing your experiences.


    Lady Liberty

  • bluesbreaker59

    Just to echo everyone else, hang in there man. I've been following your story, for a while and it was very touching for me to hear of a man, leaving the organization for his DF'd children. It touched me because it gives me hope that one day, my father may do the same for me. I miss him terribly.

  • helncon


    Sorry to hear about the family situation.

    I have read a few of your posts.

    I hope it all works out


  • NotaNess

    Welcome to the narrow road. (I'm not applying that to this site however)

  • jgnat

    It's been two weeks since your wife found C of C? Wow, your elder body is moving very fast. They must have really had it out for you. Did your wife have a lot of family in that congregation? Do you have any friends through work that you can rely on? If you are really, really alone, I'd suggest you join a club like bowling or something to have something to fall back on.

    Otherwise, enjoy your quiet evenings and cook steak. That's what my dad did when his first marriage ended.

  • FreeGirl2006

    *hugs* Trials by fire make us stronger.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Welcome, Fading.

    I'm sorry your family is in such an uproar... I, too am surprised that the body moved so quickly. Wonder if the Org is finally beginning to realize that there are many faders and that they do use opportunities to open the eyes of others in discreet yet effective ways. A fading elder is exceptionally dangerous, especially if he is well liked and respected in the cong.

    Hope that things will settle for you quickly, and am happy to read that your son's are getting along well. They may like the new freedoms now, but may have a backlash of guilty feelings later on, especially if Grandma or their Mom begin pouring on the tears once they see that they are not having the desired effect on you. I'd watch them like a hawk!

    Good Luck to you!


  • FadingELD

    The reason they moved so quickly was because I gave them no choice, I walked out of the JC meeting and told them not to call me again this subject is closed. I let them know by my attitude that I no longer wanted to be a JW's.

  • unique1

    Hooray for you and your sons.

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