by FadingELD 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FadingELD


    I would like to think everyone for thier the support through my famalies trying times. Well things did not turn out the way I was hoping it would have so far. My wife has not come home as of yet and has no plans to. I have had many conversations with her, but she continues to say if I do not regain my faith in Jehovah she will not be able to be part of my life. Last Thursday they read a letter on me for disfellowshipping, I was fine with that except for the fact my mother has become physically ill due to this situation. On the bright side my two sons enjoy thier new found freedom even though they cannot understand how thier mother can basically abandon the family. I will now begin to start working on myself and my future continuing to hope for the one day my wife will return. I believe I have many things I can offer this site because of my experiences as an Eld, I will try to have as much input as possible in future threads to try to help as many people as possible. Thank all of you.

  • eclipse

    I wish you all the best in your life and I hope that your wife comes around, but I would be prepared to move on without her....

    sometimes they never open their minds or eyes....

    hope for the best and prepare for the worst they say, right?

    I am very happy though for you and your sons for getting out!

  • Gopher


    I am so sorry to hear of the distress and family breakup. Your wife is doing more than following the WTS marching orders here. The WTS talks about wives staying with the unbelieving husband to win them over without a word. But apparently she cares more about sympathy from other JW's than about staying with her own children.

    This shunning that JW's do is so unloving. If "faith in Jehovah" makes them act in such an inhumane way, why would anyone want to regain "faith in Jehovah"? Their self-righteousness is so counterproductive.

    I hope your sons' adjustment time goes well. I'm sure it hurts.

    And please do contribute to the forum as you're able.

  • BabaYaga

    We are so happy to have you here, FadingELD!

    Sorry your Mom is ill due to the stress... it is horrible what brainwashing can do. I hope she regains her health and strength soon.

    Hugs and strength to you, FadingEld... it isn't easy, but it is so, SO very worth it!


  • Maddie

    I am very sorry that your wife is acting in this way. It is an awful situation for you but I am glad that you have your sons as that must be a source of comfort.

    I hope that your wife will wake up and return home for you and your sons' sake.


  • MadTiger

    Remain strong.

    It does help you when you do what you are planning: help others.

  • tula

    did you have any warning that they were going to df you on thurs.? What kind of letter did they read? Was it from the JC? A letter from your wife? I am not trying to be nosy. I am facing some similar matter and your answers would help. Thanks you.

    I am really sorry that your family is so broken up over this. It must hurt deeply. It's a hard decision to make and a noble one to dig for the real truth and make it a priority in your life. It is the only way you can grow and develop as a really spiritual person. Life is a precious gift and to live it in dishonesty would be an affront to your creator and a lack of appreciation for your own life. Am sorry your wife has chosen to be left behind. It is a clear violation to me that 'what god has joined together the watchtower has put asunder'. I hope she will come to her senses before its too late and irrepairable damage to the relationship. I am sorry your mom got sick over this...but don't let her put a guilt trip on you.

    Thank you for joining us. I am sure there are many who need your help and advice. It always works both ways.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    According to the 1-15-08 WT, this is your fault. "Matt. 10:34-38--Is the Scriptural message to be blamed for family rifts? Not at all. Rather, rifts are caused by the position taken by unbelieving family members. They may choose to reject or oppose Christianity, bringing about divisions in the family.--Luke 12:51-53. "

    It's hard to believe how they twisted these scriptures. Years ago I don't believe they would have encouraged a spouse to leave for the reason that your wife left you. I am so sorry, but happy that you have a good relationship with your sons.

  • dawg

    THese aren't just words... I live in Georgia, I stand here now and offer my assistance in anyway you may need it. I have a spare bedroom and whatnot-whatever you need feel free to PM and let me know.

    Also, I'm so proud of you.... I'm also happy your kids will be able to live life to their fullest portential now that they aren't slaves.

    ANd I know you've just went through some hard crap, but laughter is the best medicine. So with that in mind.... Goooooooo Dawgs! Sick em.... We're having Gator meat this weekend!

  • changeling

    I'm sorry about your wife.

    Hang in there, it gets better.


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