Legal or Religious decisions

by wha happened? 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Ok I have to get this off my chest.

    I know a soon to be former elder who is a really good guy. We can discuss anything and he never looks down his nose at me. Nor does he take any of my very candid discussions any further than between us. What recently happened to him though just solidifies my thinking that this is just a legal corporation with little regard to it's individual members.

    He and I joke alot because we are white and we both have wives who are African American. (Actually I'm Mexican Amercian and he's half Italian and Half Mexican but we are both very pale skinned) We share alot of stories in comman ranging from funny looks from people to straight out racism. In and out of the congregation. Well one day he makes a comment in service that was not directed at anyone or any person, but rather the part of the territory they were in. The sister runs to her inactive mother and now the Mom wants to sue the society because he is a racist. What next occurs is quite interesting.

    The CO visits and gets together with the elders. My friend states that he's obviously not a racist since everyone can look at his wife and child. If he stated something that may have been misconstrued well he's sorry. He looks around the room and states: "Anyone can see by my reputation here that I am not the person this woman is describing." The response he receives is dead silence. The CO recommends he step down and the elders agree. My freind states that if it was between the woman and himself, he would fight to the end. The CO states that they spoke with the "legal dept" and that is their recomondation. He objects because to him, it's an admission of guilt. In the end though they prode him until he agrees.

    This is what I see. A legal issue is brought up and what does the legal dept say? They say make him step down and state in a letter that he agrees that this is the best thing to do. It makes him admit guilt so, the WTB&TS is off the hook because he, as an individual admitted guilt. And where does it end? If we laugh at Dave Chappelle are we now racists? If we laugh at poor white trash jokes are we racists? Are we now subject to committe matters? And how does his stepping down remedy this? None of the brothers are allowed to speak with the sister. She isn;t backing off because he stepped down. She can proceed now because he in effect, admitted guilt.

    My wife and I are both sick about it. We just witnessed a great brother left to the wolves.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Sadly thats been the case for years. Half of their changes in doctrine have a legal bias behind them. Someone recently had a thread about how since franz died they have been prophecizing less. In reality they have merely been ran by lawyers for the last couple of decades.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I had an issue sometime ago when my ex wife was suing me and family members while she was trying to get reinstated. The answer from the legal dept annoyed the elders in my cong because they knew it was manure, but they followed it anyways. I mentioned this as a point of empathy, not to say I told u so. He agreed and understood what I went through.

  • blueviceroy

    Since when did the JWs have men in the GB that had any balls? You seem suprised that a bunch of lost sheep would have the cajones to get real. Decency has no place in that "religion" .

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    ok that was funny

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Let me see if I have this right! Your cool Elder Friend who is mexican and white married to a black lady was out in service with a young white sister in the car. Your friend made a comment about the white trash territory and the white sister in the car took offense to the observation!

    If that is the case I think your friend has a problem with white people: So do you both get together with your black wives and slam dunk the white people? Then to say your not a racist! I am so innocent! Bull! Now you want us to feel sorry for your friend. Hmm!

    This is wild! Okay so the White Elders and CO people in the congregation probably wanted the half white/mex, mixed couple to step down as an elder! Why? Let me guess because they are racist too!

    I think it is funny and everyone has a little racial problem! Wew, I bet your elder friend thought he could convinced the young girl that his remarks had nothing to do with race! OH Bull!

    I think he owes her an apology! But on a parnoid flip side of the fence! Hey! she probably was waiting for him to say something so she could report him! BULL!

    YOUR friend needs to be a man and apologize to the young girl. End of story, tell him to grow up!

    Although stepping down as an elder, I think their are things your friend is not telling you! One time is not going to cause him to lose his eldership!

    So why are you not going to meetings?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    ok troll u have it backwards. The comment was taken offence by black sisters. If u read the thread he did apologize. The elders took the advice from the legal entity known as the legal dept. before u attack read the original thread troll.

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Dude! If you are not a troll thenTroll is a racial remark in fairy tale land! That is the worse!

    LOL sorry for the error, I kind of thought she was a black lady! The bottom line you were not there so your friend is probably not telling you everything! I'm glad he said he is sorry!

    The rest is just another elder bites the dust! Let me do a little dance!

  • jwfacts

    I expect this will happen more often now. The reason for the recent pedophile payout was that the WTS did not put down, even even appointed, elders (representatives of the WTS) that had previously done wrong. They will be hyper-sensitive to any potential court cases against elders from now on.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    thank u JW very true. I introduced him to the many news articles about the payouts. He agreed that the "legality" of the proceedings were very uncomfortable. I explained that my conversation was not a "got ya", but rather empathy as I had experienced the legal decisions of the WTB&TS. I apologize for the troll comment. he's my friend and do not have secrets. As he explained things I am confident they occurred. I hate politics

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