What Comical or Funny thing Has Happened Randomly in Your Life ?

by flipper 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • BFD

    Sweetface, that's not true. I told you if I wanted a sit and spin I'd go to ToyRus. I wish'd I'd been busy.

    ninja, the consensus is that he should have mentioned if before hand. He was very social and was working on a PhD in something or other. He really had to dumb it down with me. I took him to a dinner party for a 60 year old guy and he fit right in. The oldest guy there was 72 (I want to look like him) and the youngest 24. His name is, Logan, and by the end of the night I was calling him, Lo. Nice kid.

    Mr. Flipper I love this thread. Sometimes my life is like a bad comedy and it's good to laugh at yourself sometimes.



  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Both my cats seem to have developed an obsession with sitting on my computer mouse - regardless of whether my hand is on it at the time

    The other funny one I remember because of Nos' post was when we were in physics class at college and the lecturer was talking about the nature and behaviour of the different types of electrons - 's' electrons and 'p' electrons for those who didn't do physics! - so he innocently describes the s-ness and p-ness of these electrons...

    And he couldn't work out why the entire class was in varying states of hysterics.

    The most entertaining physics class I ever sat through!

  • flipper

    Thanks for all the funny replies. Love to hear from you guys and gals !

    NINJA- Was that you in BFD's front yard ? You naughty gnome . I'm tellin' your wifey! LOL!

    ERYNW- I know how ya feel . Sometimes with my weird work hours, early mornings, I lose track of time too ! I wish they served Saugage McMuffins all day long ! I love em'!

    FIFI40- That is hilarious ! Getting in somebody elses car ! I've done that before too.

    BRENT R- They give your 8 year old daughter sex education! Wow! Oh! You mean your wife , right ?

    BFD- Yes indeed my friend . Humor is what helps me survive too ! Laughing at myself, making myself the brunt of the joke. I love self effacing humor.

    SAD EMO- It is truethat cats do the craziest things. They certainly are comical creatures ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • nvrgnbk

    I was in a cult.

  • sweetface2233

    OK...I'll come clean. This is long, but WELL worth it for the laugh.

    New Year's 2007, I went to visit a friend in OH. He refers to my place as the "emergency room". Everything is clean and white and the smell of Mr. Clean hits you in the face when you open the door. He shares a duplex w/ a guy we both went to school w/. My friend's shower was broken so the neighbor told him that I could use his while he was out of town for the hoilday. I open his front door and am completely disgusted. There are pizza boxes and McDonald's bags all over the place. There is laundry, not sure if it was clean or dirty, I am assuming the latter, strung all over the living room. There was an inch of dust all over everything. I almost turned around and said, "Forget it, I'll spot wash in the sink." However, my friend just used that shower and another friend is going to shower after me. I didn't want to come off as having a stick up my ass about it, so I enter the home. I am carrying my shower bag and as I turn the corner to walk up the stairs, it hits the entertainment center and the bong tips over. Bong water is now pouring all over the 500 porn DVDS that were stacked on the floor. I start climbing the stairs in my white socks and slip on the hardwood, due to the layer of dust. By the time I get to the top, the bottom of my socks are black. Still, I trek on and into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and notice that the floor in front of it is soaked. I'm thinking, "Jesus, you could have closed the door while showering." I undress and step inside. I'm getting watered down when the shower door falls in on me. Now I know why the floor was wet. I take a good 3-4 mins trying to get this door back on track. I'm now fully wet and pour shampoo into my hand. Once again the shower door falls right in on me. At that precise moment my right foot cracks through the shower floor. Now I am screaming, more out of frustration. I scoop the shampoo out of my hand and back into the bottle. I turn off the shower and prop the door up on the inside and step out. I get dressed and walk down the stairs. Then I hear it...water is just pouring out of the ceiling from the bathroom and into the living room. Then I remember what I had done right before that shower floor cracked....I peed. That wasn't just water soaking his living room floor.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    When I was a teenager, I made a new dress for the Memorial from some old fabric my Mom had. During the meeting, my dress started ripping because the fabric was so old. A sister had to lend me her sweater.

  • Sparkplug

    I was a major goof. Still tend to be one.

    Well...while working for an office supply place and taking back to back calls I decided to make my own custom post it notes. So seeing I always have these blot pieces of paper for lipstick around and back before colorstay lipstick was in, People would always tease me for these.

    So I decided to apply lipstick and kiss a post it note. pull off a note...Apply more lipstick and do it again. Well after a whole stack of post its and into a new color stack (in between calls of course) I thought I would liven things up and change the color of the lips on the notes. What better way than white out!

    What an idea!! So I poured a whole mess on a paper and dipped my lips in it thinking that if I did it that way it would stay wet seeing it always got dry so fast. Well I did not think too hard on that one, for the paper/post it I was trying to get white out correction fluid onto my lips with wrapped up onto my face and made a huge square right around my face of white out. It dried so fast and would not come off.

    Well I was stuck in Que and could not get off the phone, my face is burning and I feel like a fool afraid to tell anyone what I was doing...so I wait a bit and tried to scratch this square off with my nails to no use. Finally I raised my little "excuse me flag" and have to get up to go to the restroom with this white blob across my lips and mouth.

    The only soap available was that dry powder soap that does nothing for your face and reallly does nothing to clean either. So by the time I got back to my seat I had these giant gorrilla lips and inflamed square across my face. Silly and stupid really!

    This is the same job that I went to roll backwards to grap a notepaper or something and flopped my chair while in a dress with headphones on with a customer on the line. I managed to choke myself, scream some crazy African sounding sing song sound and flip my chair and dress bottoms up at the same time with a customer on the line. It would be a perfect office space.

    I also have forgotten my headset was on while going to break and did that thing you see in the commercial where the person stands up and starts to walk pulling themselves over by the neck. Yeah that was embarrasing....

    Once at one of my first jobs while changing the tape register I stuck my finger in the cardboard roll and had to get the roll sawed off my finger because it made my finger swell and turn purple and was really stuck quite harshly in the roll.

    The list goes on....

    Only if you have all night. I was/er... can still be a major goob.

  • Hortensia

    critter stories:

    I have an old cat that moved here with me from San Diego. I was appalled to find out about the giant roaches in the desert, euphemistically called "date beetles." I woke up one night when my cat jumped on my chest. I opened my eyes to see my cat, with an evil grin, drop a live giant roach on me. I couldn't help it - I screamed and threw the cat and roach across the room. She never did that again!

    When I was a kid, we had an old dog who would bury treats in the laundry or the closet. Our cat would follow her, watch where she buried it and once the dog left, the cat would eat the treat. Except for the time the dog buried a slice of banana in my mothers shoe. My mother found it when she tried to put the shoe on. The banana had been there for a while.

  • WTWizard

    I always found it comical when we had a call all the way across town. We would get there with the maximum amount of hassle. Every light that could be red, was and for the maximum time. Then we couldn't find the street (especially if I knew where it was right away and would be silent to make them waste as much time as possible). After about 20 minutes, they find the street but have a hunt for the number. Then, they get there and the person is not home. That's my whole month's service.

    I also liked one time when we did "informal" witnessing at a book store. The object was to find customers and offer tracts. Instead of "informal" witnessing, I did "dummy" service. I headed to where there were no customers, usually in the science books or where there were alternative health books and no browsers. I would browse through books while everyone else in the group was hunting for other customers. Needless to say, I placed nothing and still got my hour for that month.

  • flipper

    Funny, funny, stuff people ! Like reading all your fun things that have happened to you.

    NVR- Yeah. I think it was hilarious as hell we joined a cult and were duped for 90 years ! I don't know whether to laugh or cry about it though ! Oh well ! The joke will really be on the organization when they see this stuff isn't true. Peace buddy.

    SWEETFACE- I couldn't imagine anything more embarrassing than falling through someone's shower especially after peeing ! How utterly embarrassing for you to go through. Did these guys have termites or something ? Jeez!

    38 YEARS- How much of your dress ripped off at the memorial ? Glad a sister lent you a dress. But the bigger question is, did you get to partake in the buff ? LOL !

    SPARKPLUG- Your lips must have been so sore after putting whiteout on them ! Oh my god ! Your desk sounded like a dangerous place to be around !

    HORTENSIA- Sick stuff ! A cockroach was dropped on your face ? Did it taste good? That was funny your mom stepped on a banana inside her shoe! Funny stuff!

    I thought of a couple more. I was fishing once at a river, had just bought a new fishing pole and reel. I was dressed in jeans, cowboy hat, whole nine yards, I was 25 at the time, as I casted I accidentally casted my pole and reel into the river and immediately I jumped fully clothed hat and all in the river grabbing my pole in the rapids. I got all wet from the swim, but I saved my new pole ! Yeah, I know I was crazy ! Another time I was doing asbestos abatement in my late 20's and had drank too much at lunch with some pizza. Too much beer ! Anyway, we had to wear these full faced respirator masks, and you guessed it, I threw up inside my mask , getting it all over my face ! needless to say I had to wash up and get dressed again for work! Weird, crazy days ! Anyway share some more if ya have some ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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