Sorry, I gotta borrow this topic from another site.... Some answers please.

by NotaNess 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    People often accuse JWs of not celebrating anything. By celebrating the memorialâ„¢ they can say in all honesty, mostly to themselves, that they celebrate the memorialâ„¢. This helps them feel less deprived. Also, if a religion has nothing to celebrate then there's nothing worth worshipping, and therefore no reason for the religion to exist. To keep its members interested, the watchtower allows the celebration of the memorialâ„¢ and uses the opportunity to gather statistics that will delude members into thinking there is a potential for future growth.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    nice to see you again Farkel.
    Its been awhile.


  • poppers

    Yeah, great to see you again, Farkel.

  • Leolaia

    Why do JWS have the memorial anyways? they preach that Jesus said , do this until I return. the JWs say He returned in 1914, so what gives here anyway?

    Not only that, but what is the "do this" that is being commanded here? Jesus wasn't talking about having a meeting once a year where they merely pass around emblems and have a public talk about the 144,000 and "great crowd". As Paul points out, "as long as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes again". How many JWs who solemnly gather together in his name actually "do this"?

  • Metamorphosis

    A little off topic - but did it ever bother anyone else to hear JW's saying we're celebrating the Memorial or Christ death..... i always tried to use words like commemorating or observing.... i mean according to Christian teaching it was something needed for our salvation and important, but i'm sure women don't celebrate having their breast removed due to cancer or people don't celebrate a soldier's death while protecting their country..... dunno, maybe just me, but using that word in connection with Christ's death just bugs the heck out of me.


  • jaguarbass

    I remember being a witness in the 60's and 70's, I always heard, you ask too many questions. Whats wrong with you?

  • Awakened07
    it was in the year 1914 that Christ's invisible presence had begun and that this was, not by his personally returning (even invisibly) to the vicinity of the earth, but by his directing his attention toward the earth as ruling King.

    I love this expression.

    "Oh - there's earth. Guess I'll have a closer look. Aaaand... let's have another look. Look a little more. Aaaand a little more. Hmm... turns out this is a little boring. Been looking at this thing for over 90 earth years now. What's over there, though? Oh, it's Mars. Let's have a closer look. Aaand...."

  • JWdaughter

    Yeah, celebrating his death is a WONDERFUL thing, but wearing the instrument of his sacrifice is revolting. . .hmm. Both gruesome if you think about it.

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles
    Not only that, but what is the "do this" that is being commanded here? Jesus wasn't talking about having a meeting once a year where they merely pass around emblems and have a public talk about the 144,000 and "great crowd". As Paul points out, "as long as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes again". How many JWs who solemnly gather together in his name actually "do this"?

    Good point Leo, remind me how many times did Jesus command the people in order to have eternal life? I think it was five times! Jesus stressed how important partaking was and what it represented, eternal life. If I remember Jesus was the manna that came from heavens! Although he was speaking to the multitude, a jewish person replied. Your above post about Paul's congregation, proves that it was for the entire congregation and not just for a few, 144,000!

    I guess I need to laugh when the WTBTS twist it to be only the first 144,000 who partook in Paul's congregation! Prior to Paul, Jesus proved it was a mixed mulitude! Great crowd!

  • oompa

    I wish you guys would not get me started on this again............

    All that passin and passin and passin and nobody eatin. Man I'm sickuf it and it gives me the heebie jeebies. And of course then the preacher passes to the passers and then even though he coulda already been warshin down the crumbs with Mareylo, he has to have the passers pass it to him agin. And wheres the resta the food? What kind a freakin meal is ol crackers and hooch? Wernt there some pork, no lamb or sumpin? Just set the damn table and holler, "COME AND GET IT SLAVES !!!!). Sure as hell would save some time........oompa

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