Dinosaurs and the Bible

by zennin 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zennin

    If you were a JW (!!), how would you explain dinosaurs and the bible??

  • SacrificialLoon

    Well, how it was explained to me when I was a little JW was that the dinosaurs were created to clear vegetation, and they were all destroyed during the flood, because they weren't needed anymore or something like that. How that was gotten from the bible though I have no idea.

  • SacrificialLoon

    Oh and welcome to the forums.

    Edit: Hmmm.... Forums? Fora? Well, welcome anyway. :)

  • Kudra

    Forums live in the interwebs

  • prophecor

    The earth being of barren waste and desolation, required a plan to have the overbrush of vegetation to be consumed. Jehovah in his infinite wisdom saw fit to create these gargantuan creatures as a precursor to mankind's creation on earth. They were created in order to eventually over hundreds and thousands of years to eat away at the growth of the trees and vegatation, that would make man's existence on the planet inhabitable.

    Many eventually died off, though there were some that God allowed to remain over time. The great cataclysmic destruction that took place on earth in the form of meteors bombarding huge portions of the planet may have quickened their destruction. Thier purpose, however was fulfilled in Jehovah giving man a hand up in creating a more liveable envioronment for the man to make a start, as he prepared the garden of eden for him.

  • Kudra

    The explanation given to me was that the dinos were here to make all the oil we use to drive our cars. Like they were so massive to provide all the coal, oil etc.

    Give me a BREAK, coal/oil from dinos is absolutely insignificant compared from the coal/oil from plant matter and marine life... Plus Jehoobie wanted us to drive gas-burning cars??? The creator of the universe coming up with a totally energy inefficient way of getting around... ...right.

    Give em enough rope and they'll hang themselves...

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Zennin,

    You can't so.....you DON'T!


    Lady Liberty

  • OnTheWayOut
    If you were a JW (!!), how would you explain dinosaurs and the bible??

    Seriously now, here's how you do it as a JW.

    Uh, I will have to get back to you after I look it up on my Watchtower Library.
    I am not really prepared to answer your questions today.
    Can I leave you with the latest leaflet inviting you to the convention where
    you will get a better understanding of God's will for mankind?

  • VM44

    Remember the two legged dinosaur inside the front cover of the Green NWT?

    I liked him.

    One could imagine him pushing a lawnmower!


  • sspo

    The generic answer was "Just wait on Jehovah and eventually he will reveal"

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