I'm completely underwhelmed

by RisingEagle 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • RisingEagle

    I sent an email to a jw relative earlier today that showed some office supplies that go on sale starting Sunday because I know they are always on the lookout to save a few bucks for their business. I got this reply a few minutes ago.

    " ___'s father passed away Wednesday. Memorial tomorrow at __ at ___ kingdom hall. On ___ street one block east of ___. xxx"

    Wow. The outpour of emotion is just to much to handle. I won't even comment about them using the word memorial in regards to a witness funeral. It just pisses me off that these people can be so cavalier in their attitudes toward others about a death. Seriously, would a phone call have killed anyone? Hey, even starting a fresh email instead of replying to an office supply info email might have been nice. I genuinely liked the guy and might have considered going to pay my respects to the family but I would have been a fish out of water in that group of people now.

    I read my wife the email and I like her perspective on it. She said she intends on showing the same amount of respect to the witnesses that they showed to her family when her mom died last December. Not one went to the funeral.

  • tula

    I am sooo sorry that you had to learn about your friend in such a mean cold hearted way. These people have black hearts and no soul. I am very sorry for your loss. Tula

  • JK666

    Rising Eagle,

    I am sorry that you lost a friend. The Witness attitude about death really is nuts. I have some stories to share of personal experiences with me both in and out of the religion that would shock you.

    For another post, I will not hijack yours. Hang in there, we are here for you.


  • RisingEagle

    Thanks guys I appreciate your posts. I was just sitting thinking about his grandsons and what they must be feeling. They aren't much older than my little girl and she would be lost without her grandma or poppa. I'm going to have to make a point to go see them after this weekend.

  • *summer*

    If a sure sign of the true religion is that people show love among themselves...well...too much stuff i read on this site speaks for itself:-(

    Sorry about the loss of your friend. And I can only imagine the pain your wife must have felt with the way she was treated when her mum passed away.

    JWs...what a sad bunch of people:-(


    Emotionless. That's what they are. Sorry that your friend turned out to be a REAL friend. What they did regarding your wife's mother, is just down right cruel. My heart goes out to both of you. For the ones that show you no love, let it be known, there are those who do love you!


  • jgnat
    rebornagain: Emotionless. That's what they are.

    I'd modify that to say, "Emotionless Highly suppressed, that's what they are." After all, Witnesses are just regular people with a tough veneer of culthood. Underneath they feel and weep just as we do. I can't imagine the damage to their insides to suppress deep feelings of loss like they do. It reminds me of the old Witness convert on the Knocking video. After a lifetime separated from his own daughter, he makes some vague excuses about being too busy to be involved in her life.

  • purplesofa

    my sisters MIL died recently, well, the funeral was Monday. My JW mother told my sis I don't know why you are making such an effort to go, your MIL won't even know you are there!! and said I hope you don't go to all this trouble when I die. ( We both said to each other.........Don't worry, we won't)

    Family flew in from all over the US. Probably the last time any would see each other. The MIL had known for some time she was dying. The MIL had packaged things up for individual family members and they were distributed. It was a very healing time for all those involved.

    My sister is not a JW, the love and respect she showed and was shown was touching. People helping financially to get her and her family flown in. I had a family member stay at my house, whom I had never met until then.

    Yeah right, JW's are so loving.............my mother was upset that my sister did not want her to come with her, My mother wanted to make it a shopping trip, and she was mad at us because we were here having all the FUN and was leaving her out!!!!!

    Im sorry for all involved with death and there is a JW in the family,


  • journey-on

    Unbelievable~! There's something dark and sinister moving through that org. and stealing their hearts and replacing

    it with something rank and unfeeling.

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    I am very sorry for your loss and for the heartless, perfunctory way in which it was presented.

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