Jesus came in 1914 and NOBODY noticed til when???

by oompa 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultswatter

    Look I believe its the trute. If the society says 1914 was a date then it must be , the FDS can't lie because they are God's channel NOT!!

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Hmmm! well you got me there! I know they taught he hurled Satan down in 1914 and that was a sign of his invisible presense. Apparently, Russell figured it out 10 years prior to World War 1. I think everyone knew about that war. Yeap Jesus came in 1918 to rid pyramidology! but that is nto what the Faithful and Descreet Slave taught prior to 1935! Jesus came to give us pyramidology! I say it was a false Jesus!

  • Iron Rod
    Iron Rod

    So much for "...every eye will see him, and those who pierced him..." ( Rev. 1:7 )

  • BabaYaga

    I just have to tell you that the title alone made me laugh out loud!

    "Jesus came in 1914 and NOBODY noticed til when???" Oh, Oompa, this is so funny in itself I can't take it seriously as a real question. I had never thought of it in those terms before, though... can you imagine? Christ came and nobody noticed.

    thanks for the hearty laugh and the shake of the head and the reminder that I am SOOOOooooo happy I'm OUT!!!

  • Skimmer

    If I recall correctly, the generation doctrine that was dropped in 1995 was itself not established until 1930, some 16 years after 1914. It was part of a general chronological reorganization that followed the 1925 Big A prediction failure.

    In 1973, the talk among the R&F was that the "age of understanding" for those alive in 1914 must have been at least 16 years old and was probably closer to 21. Coincidentally, the latter number just happened to be Freddie Franz's age in 1914. Hey, maybe he started the 21 year old rumor himself.

  • BluesBrother

    When looking at the Proclaimers book on cd for this thread, I thought these comments by and about C T Russell were interesting :_

    jv chap. 5 p. 48 Proclaiming the Lord’s Return (1870-1914)

    ***C. T. Russell used the Watch Tower and other publications to uphold Bible truths and to refute false religious teachings and human philosophies that contradicted the Bible. He did not, however, claim to discover new truths.

    *** jv chap. 5 p. 49 Proclaiming the Lord’s Return (1870-1914) *

    **Nearly all denominations gave evidence that their founders had been feeling after truth: but quite evidently the great Adversary had fought against them and had wrongly divided the Word of God which he could not wholly destroy."

    *** jv chap. 5 p. 49 Proclaiming the Lord’s Return (1870-1914) **

    *"When we say ‘our’ chronology we merely mean the one we use, the Bible chronology, which belongs to all of God’s people who approve it. As a matter of fact it was used in practically the form we present it long before our day, just as various prophecies we use were used to a different purpose by Adventists, and just as various doctrines we hold and which seem so new and fresh and different were held in some form long ago: for instance—Election, Free Grace, Restitution, Justification, Sanctification, Glorification, Resurrection."

    Then how did Russell perceive the role that he and his associates played in publishing Scriptural truth? He explained: "Our work . . . has been to bring together these long scattered fragments of truth and present them to the Lord’s people—not as new, not as our own, but as the Lord’s. . . . We must disclaim any credit even for the finding and rearrangement of the jewels of truth." He further stated: "The work in which the Lord has been pleased to use our humble talents has been less a work of origination than of reconstruction, adjustment, harmonization."

    So CTR never claimed to originate the beliefs, just pick'n mixed from other groups

    Also, an Awake article on cinema said this about "Birth of a Nation",(with no reference to the WT have pinched the title)

    g96 7/22 p. 20 100 Years of Movies **

    *. In 1915, Griffith’s Birth of a Nation was Hollywood’s first blockbuster. This highly controversial film about the American Civil War caused riots and even some deaths at its release because of its racist content. It was, however, a huge success, with over 100 million spectators, making it one of the most profitable movies ever.

  • mouthy

    "Pastor Russell is Jesus' faithful and wise steward."
    They never thought Pastor Russell WAS Jesus they said he was the Faithful & wise steward....
    Lets not start a false concept..

  • AnnOMaly
    "Pastor Russell is Jesus' faithful and wise steward."
    They never thought Pastor Russell WAS Jesus they said he was the Faithful & wise steward....
    Lets not start a false concept..

    Yes, they never taught Russell was Jesus himself (they'd never get away with that LOL), but in 1919 they were teaching that Pastor Russell was Jesus' faithful and wise steward.

  • GermanXJW

    *** jv chap. 10 p. 133 Growing in Accurate Knowledge of the Truth ***

    This was influenced by the belief that the seventh millennium of human history had begun in 1873 and that a period of divine disfavor (of equal length to a former period considered to be one of favor) upon natural Israel would end in 1878. The chronology was flawed because of relying on an inaccurate rendering of Acts 13:20 in the King James Version, belief that there was a transcription error at 1 Kings 6:1, and failure to take into account Biblical synchronisms in the dating of reigns of the kings of Judah and of Israel. A clearer understanding of Biblical chronology was published in 1943, in the book “The Truth Shall Make You Free,” and it was then refined the following year in the book “The Kingdom Is at Hand,” as well as in later publications.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    It really is startling that most of us here believed all this utter garbage at one point.

    I must say I am feeling particularly embarassed for have not having had my FULL awakening much much earlier than this.

    Thank GOD for the internet. New generations of potential JWs in the intelligent free world will be waking up WAY SOONER THAN I DID...and thankfully most intelligent adults will stop their studies as soon as they go for that fabulous "second opinion" on the web.


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