Is it all just a 'Cosmic Crapshoot'?

by AK - Jeff 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    First my faith in the WTS went away.

    Later my faith in religion [for purposes other than fellowship] went away.

    To date, my faith in the existence of the 'Great Cause' remains, but is tarnishing in some respects. I have no clear picture of what we really are, where we are really going, and why we exist. I ponder the confusing idea that we just 'are'. That we somehow came to be, either thru evolution or thru ID, with a creator that just doesn't seem to care past the act of creation.

    If the atheist's are correct -and I have not conceded that yet - in fact this is not about me and my beliefs - this is about the overriding question that keeps buzzing in my ear like an October fly.

    If one concludes that we just 'Are' - no purpose, no creator, nothing beyond the here and now, what is it all worth? Is it just a cosmic joke that we came to life, will soon die, though lusting for the life we came to love? Is life then the greatest cruelty of all?


  • JK666

    In the cosmic crapshoot, why do I always get snake eyes?


  • OnTheWayOut

    Amen to:

    I have no clear picture of what we really are, where we are really going, and why we exist. I ponder the confusing idea that we just 'are'. That we somehow came to be, either thru evolution or thru ID, with a creator that just doesn't seem to care past the act of creation.

    On this part:

    If one concludes that we just 'Are' - no purpose, no creator, nothing beyond the here and now, what is it all worth? Is it just a cosmic joke that we came to life, will soon die, though lusting for the life we came to love? Is life then the greatest cruelty of all?

    Life is not a great cruelty to all, but yes to some. Lusting for life shows that we want whatever we have.
    There are those that wish they were dead, but even most of them are happy that they lived. Something
    made it worthwhile.

    Make life about the journey and not about the destination. You can ponder what's what after life, but
    don't let it consume you. I have more thoughts on this, but it's just adding words to that simple message.

  • marmot

    I think the Epicureans had it right all along. The only thing we are certain of in life is death so we should live life to the fullest and try to be the best people we can be so that other people and our descendants can enjoy their lives fully as well.

    Once we're dead we'll find out if there truly is another side to all of this, but it's useless arguing over something that no one has seen.

    My philosophy is: be happy and don't interfere with the happiness of others.

  • AK - Jeff
  • prophecor

    In all that I've been given, having once been JW, I will never believe that we are all a bunch of "Cosmic Slop". We exist for a reason. Its not entirely clear to me as to why, we all have to suffer in one form or another, but I have to trust in God's Ways, being so infinitely higher than man's, and our reasoning as to why he has chosen not to do anything yet, is just beyond my human comprehension. God has to be in the mix, somewhere. There's just to much evidence as to the contrary. The God I find in nature, the things that are created apart from mans hands.

    When I remove the buildings, the skyscrapers, the Elevator Trains and airplanes. When I seperate myself from all the wizardry and modern gadgetry of computers and cell phones, GPS tracking systems, the Golden Gate Bridge and the NFL. The things that can so quickly cost me in time, effort and energy, the things that keep me chasing after the next high, however high that may be, then I can begin to pay attention to the voice that is surely, God's. In the sunset, I hear his voice, in the seashore at lowly Atlantic City, I hear his voice. In the change of seaons, I watch his handiwork, weave his magic. Its a still quiet voice that I can only hear, when the drowning out ceases, and I get still in my heart.


  • hubert

    Love that song.


  • nvrgnbk

    Is it all just a 'Cosmic Crapshoot'?

    Hell no!

  • Satanus

    I see it as evolutionary; the universe, life on earth and the spirit. Reincarnation, and all that, you know ;)


  • AK - Jeff

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