dress code...

by *summer* 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • B_Deserter

    I love to point out that neither Jesus nor his apostles ever wore fancy clothes that set them apart from anyone else. In fact, Jesus ridiculed the pharisees for exhibiting their extra-long fringes in order to give the impression that they were "holier" than normal people.

  • yknot

    The next time you wear a pants, or walking shorts to the KH and some man hassles you do this: Involve at least 2 elders and 1 sister.

    Ask for the specific scriptural reference. There are none except for adornment and braids.

    If the man insist you outfit is "unwomanly"in any manner, challenge him to wear it! (if you are really bold-start to undress right there so you both can exchange outfits)

    Or make the challenge that he wears your outfit or size purchased to fit him, accessories, heels, hose , make-up, perfume and all......the next TMS day, for the full day.....going to work in the outfit and going to the TMS in the outfit.

    I have never had an elder take me up on the challenge or heard a complaint by him again.

    Our society determines male and female attire, not some PO.

    You know you could go to the other extreme too......start wearing a habib and asking why they are not wearing robes as Jesus did?

  • sweetface2233

    Summer, here is another QFR parody dealing w/ a sister's dress attire. Some people got offended by the topic saying that sexual assault is nothing to at which to poke fun. I, obviously, was not one of those people. I have been the victim of sexual assault and understood exactly the point he was trying to make. He was addressing the Elders and the WTS views on sister's dress attire. Bigdreaux also made an excellent comment in a thread a few days ago. Someone started a thread on spaghetti strap dresses and how they are considered inappropriate. He commented that because the guys in the hall get turned on by the revealing clothing then they must turn the tables and blame the sisters calling them "weak".


    Post 138 of 227
    since 16-Nov-06

    28 y 3 m 6 d


  • WTWizard

    The whole thing is arbitrary. There is, in fact, nowhere in the Bible that says that sisters cannot wear pants. There is nowhere in the Bible that says men must wear suits and ties.

    The problem is that a group of men, that know nothing about going out in blistering heat or freezing cold, have made these policies. They were, in fact, formed at the height of the Victorian era by Russell (it was standard in society at that time). The leaders of the organization stuck with it, since it would separate the congregation from the world (that was Rutherford's idea). Since that interpretation stuck in the Governing Body, they go along with it and enforce it as if it were Scriptural.

    I guarantee you if you stick around that organization long enough, you will find similar issues with virtually everything about daily life. They will tell you what kind of music you can listen to, and then pare it down via hounding until you have only 225 safe choices (anything else, and they will hound you until they get rid of it). They will tell you what TV shows you can listen to, what books and magazines you can listen to, and even what kind of car you can drive. Most of it is based on rules that aren't even in print, but it depends on the local congregation's interpretation. And, if you try to date, you are in for the biggest hassle of your life as they will do everything in their power to bust it up. You can't even be alone with a member of the opposite sex without being hounded.

    Hopefully, you will look before you leap. They want you baptized without looking at the whole story, so they can pull out the "love" from under your feet and enslave you in the work. You need to research it, looking at every apostate Web site (where they are hiding their dirty laundry) you can find. Then, compare it to the official sources. Chances are, once you look at the apostate sites, you will know why they don't want you to--you will see the real truth. And, another highly recommended source is the book Crisis of Conscience, written by a former member of the Governing Body who tried to set the congregation upright. That can be ordered through www.freeminds.org . Just don't progress toward baptism without looking at all the sources, or you will regret it.

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