dress code...

by *summer* 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • *summer*

    where does it say that i must wear a dress or skirt at meetings?

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Imagine there's no dress code

    It's easy if you try

    Ladies can wear trousers

    Men don't need a tie.................

    That topic was discussed in this thread, there are references to specific comments in Watchtower literature.


  • zeroday
    where does it say that i must wear a dress or skirt at meetings?

    JW's learn early on not to question authority ie Governing Body. If the PO says to wear a dress you wear a dress or be marked by the congregation as having a "rebelious spirit" then you can forget about any fellowship and be treated as an outcast...

  • *summer*

    well...how about i answer to Jehovah and not the PO?

  • *summer*

    and thank you Fe203Girl for the link to the thread...

  • AllTimeJeff

    One of the hardest things I had to do was answer questions about why a women couldn't wear dress slacks. Frankly, they are more "modest" then skirts anyway, and a lot of sisters like to where shorter skirts. As I look back, I don't know why this was a problem..... At Bethel, there are at least 2 or 3 morning worships a year directed at the sisters reminding them not to wear immodest skirts... Why not pants for cryin out loud...

    Oh, there is nothing scriptural about a sister wearing slacks. If you go by the bible, however a women is attired is only to be "modest".

  • zeroday
    well...how about i answer to Jehovah and not the PO?

    You can do that without stepping foot into a Kingdom Hall...

  • sweetface2233
    well...how about i answer to Jehovah and not the PO?

    Summer, you will find that the majority of the posters here left the org for that very reason. The WTS puts itself in the place of God and Christ. Take a look at this very humorous, yet true, QFR parody done by our beloved deaconbluez. The graph at the bottom explains EXACTLY how the WTS forces JWs to view them.


    Post 112 of 226
    since 16-Nov-06

    28 y 3 m 5 d


    IP: CAaEP12ztU39Vhp9
  • B_Deserter

    LOL @ Stinky pioneer sister. In the hall I grew up in, this sister smelled like a freaking skunk, really bad. I was told she got sprayed by a skunk out in service, so her stinking was okay because it was done in Jehovah's service. I spent the next few years deathly afraid of skunks, worried that they would inflict a permanent stench upon myself.

  • *summer*

    sat here and looked at the link sent by Fe203Girl. among other posts, a very interesting exposé from blondie mostly using deuteronomy. feeling kinda disillusioned, i then looked at the graph sent by sweetface. goodness...hilarious!!! it is said "the truth shall set you free." in this case, "a good laugh shall perk up the disillusioned." :-)

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