Baptism Is Pagan!

by Sarah Smiles 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yknot

    Baptism is pure, when baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.

    Baptism in order to become a member of a corporation is Blasphemous.

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    I believe you are all speaking the TRUTH! and very wise indeed!

    But Yeah Linda, do you feel like Holy Spirit struck you to the ground?

    Oompa, who wants to drown in someone's pee.

    I am going to read the links all because Woodrow is in it, that peace maker! shame on him! and pagans were probably on the earth longer than God's Temples!

    Thanks everyone! So here is what I have learned, If I was dunked to my knees while reading something about Woodrow and remembering that pagans were around before Jesus birth while the baptismal guy said, "In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" although he forgot to mention JCanon. All Is Well and who cares anyway, because I am covered and saved through Christ death!


  • delilah

    Well, let's just say, that I was "under the influence" when I was baptised, and leave it at that ....


    TO: Sarah Smiles

    Was it Holy Spirit? I don't know what else it could have been.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    No offense meant at all, just my opinion, but I really think that all of that rolling around on the ground was the result of mind tricks, the power of suggestion. It is very strong. Some people allow themselves to be influenced by suggestion easier than others without meaning to. Altered states of consciousness come about by simply tricking our minds. I really don't believe there are other world influences outside of our own powerful minds. Just my opinion I do believe in the possibility of ghosts, however. Did I just discredit myself?

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Under the influences, interesting! Ghost hmm, spooky! believing worth every moment of reading!

    Thanks! still wondering and need to do research.

  • diamondblue1974

    Yes baptism is of pagan origin. This stems from the pre christian initiatory rites which involved symbolic death and rebirth usually using one or more of the elements. In pre christian history there is evidence of being buried within the earth (usually in burial chambers like Newgrange) and then arising from a period of darkness into the light, in effect being reborn.

    This is similar to being completely immersed in water then arising out of it reborn or with the new personality!!

    Just my two penneth.


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