Baptism Is Pagan!

by Sarah Smiles 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Do you remember the person who baptized you? Did they have Holy Spirit? Or did you just line up at an assembly? I met one exJDUB who claimed she could feel holy spirit enter her and a sensation was felt all the way to her toes. People thought she had a loose screw as a JDUB. Could she be right?

    Is our modern day baptism out dated? Has it been lowered to nothing more that a pagan ritual because of so many false teachings and the one who is doing the baptismal does not have holy spirit to give! I believe the Holy Spirit in Paul's time was past on. I have more research to do!

    I think that everytime someone miss applied God's laws or plans, he no longer would accept it! perhaps I am wrong but that would apply to Christain baptism.

  • golf2

    It's only symbolic. Raise your right hand to tell the truth, how many people tell the truth? Golf


    I've had God's spirit come down on me, but not while among the Borg. It was when I went to a Healing Room. I was being prayed on and while waiting in line for this Pastor to lay her hands on me to pray, I was standing there thinking, "Yeah right, she won't get me to fall on the floor like some of the others have" That was my JW teachings talking in my head. Well....she starts to pray on me and BANG...within 20 sec. I was on the floor. I started crying and they told me that was typical because in my case I was releasing all the inner problems and pressures inflicted on me from the JW's. Hallelujah!


  • oompa

    Baptism is like circumcision. Like who the hell thought of doing this in the first place. I have always wondered about that locust eating hariry clothed wild man John the Baptist. Evidently people were already getting dunked for some reason before him???? Nobody seemed to think is was weird idea???? WTF? Ya want me go in the river and you are going to try and drown me??

    Anbody know where this possibly PAGAN practice started?

    good post reborn.......oompa

  • RunningMan

    Baptism most certainly is of pagan origin and pre-dates Christianity.

    However, the most obviously pagan observance of them all is communion (the memorial). Eating the flesh and drinking the blood of your god dates back to the earliest forms of totemism.

    But, Mother's Day, now that's bad. We have to draw the line somewhere.


    Running Mad Man! Good catch. Now you make me wonder more & more if the Bible is from God. Why would Jesus tell us in a figurative way something as that if he didn't already know about it's pagan origin? Sounds Pagan to me.



  • erynw

    Isn't just about everything pagan in origin? I mean, they were here first.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    only if you pee in the water

  • bebu

    What do you mean by 'pagan'? Earthy, new-agey, mystical-type stuff? Or something demonic? Is using a pagan concept the very same as idolatry?

    Paganism has some rich symbolism that can be appreciated by anybody, even Christians or Jews. Abraham's dad was pagan, and when Abraham left Ur he also abandoned idolatry... but he kept the bulk of the rest of his culture. God didn't electrocute him, but used them, imo. Also, I think of Japanese shintoism as pagan, but there are certainly concepts in it which others can appreciate or use without necessarily buying the whole worldview.

    At any rate, paganism is one word which elicits fear in JWs.


    not a pagan, btw

  • Kenneson

    I found the following article quite interesting. Hope you do too.

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