Why can't Witnesses Gamble? There's nothing in the bible about it!!!

by Witness 007 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    If caught in any form of gambling you will be disfellowshiped!!!!! Why?

    The principles are "Gambling is greedy and selfish, putting faith in the Goddess of good luck." This is lame! There is no scripture that says: "Thou shall not gamble." Most people don't believe in luck. As for greed and selfishness I'm going to work 10 days straight, so isn't this a disfellowshiping offence? The reasoning is pretty poor and is not based on the bible.

  • JK666

    It's all about control. Control of your mind, control of your finances, control of the Borg's income.


  • Gopher

    The WTS wants you to put your spare change into the "Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund" donation boxes in the back of each Kingdom Hall.

    They covet your spare change !!

  • BrentR

    When has that ever stopped them from making yet another goofy twisted doctrine?

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Cuz GOD the Watchtower said so.

    Next question.

    Open Mind

  • RisingEagle

    I always wondered about that one also. What I remember about the argument was that it was similar to the birthday thing. Only two birthdays in the bible = birthdays are bad. The bible mentions the soldiers cast lots over Jesus cloak = gambling is bad. I never got a satisfactory answer as to why the left over apostles later cast lots to elect Matthias if it was such a bad idea. There is also a scripture in the old testament about not sacrificing to the gods of good fortune, but then again, wasn't the urim and the thummin along the lines of tossing a pair of dice?

    Eh, I dunno, I've been wrong before.



    FOR THE SAME REASON THEY CANNOT SMOKE. It's not in the Bible either.


  • Rooster

    It does not matter what is in the bible! It is all about what is in the "Watchtower"! What does "Mother Anointed" dictate?

    It does not matter what is in the bible! It is all about what is in the "Watchtower"! What does "Mother Anointed" dictate?

    It does not matter what is in the bible! It is all about what is in the "Watchtower"! What does "Mother Anointed" dictate?

    It does not matter what is in the bible! It is all about what is in the "Watchtower"! What does "Mother Anointed" dictate?

    It does not matter what is in the bible! It is all about what is in the "Watchtower"! What does "Mother Anointed" dictate?

  • BrentR

    I am sure most of you know several JW's that have started thier own businesses. Is that not a gamble? Is that not also competing? I know several that buy and sell stocks which is a calculated gamble at best. The answers I have got from them that try to rationalize those activities have been all over the spectrum of absurity.

    Last year my wife and I went to a local casino to catch a concert and never even saw a card table or slot machine. A few days later my mom had to make the remark that she would never go into or support a gambling establishment in any way. I asked when was the last itme she bought gas or groceries? Every grocery store and gas station/mini mart in our state sells lottery tickets. Her response was the typical intellectual well thought out "well that's different". And that is were I changed the subject. I like to leave them thinking and pondering and not push the issue until they get pissed. When we get pissed our lower brain becomes engaged and the thought process stops.

  • Scully

    I've even had JWs tell me that buying life insurance or house insurance or car insurance is the same as gambling. You're paying money to protect your assets / income on the chance that something bad will happen. Some JWs feel that it shows "lack of faith" if you spend your money on insurance.

    I have always said that faith is not going to put a roof over my head, clothes and shoes on my family, food on my table or anything else on the chance that something bad happens. Then I ask them if they are prepared to take me and my family in and feed, clothe and shelter us in the event of a catastrophe, like a good Christian is supposed to do. They usually change the topic so fast it would make your head spin.

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