Darin's Toastmasters charter night event

by Junction-Guy 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Well I've been busy these past 2 weeks, and will be even busier within the next month.

    Last Thursday, The United Republican Toastmasters Club had its charter night dinner. It was a black tie optional dinner, and both Darin and I wore a tux, along with about 10 other guys.

    Darin is the founding member and president of this club. Darin is also a political candidate in this years election to city council.

    This event was held at the Dayton Racquet Club in the Kettering Tower. The banquet room was 29 stories high and there was a great view of the city of Dayton.

    The keynote speaker was Kevin Dewine, the Deputy Chairman of the Ohio Republican Party. The county party chairman was there as well. Senator George Voinovich could not attend due to a previous engagement, but he sent a letter congratulating the Toastmasters Club. Darin read the letter aloud at the dinner.

    As far as we know, this is the first Toastmasters club that has been formed under a local political party.

    I had a great time at the dinner and did alot of networking. There were several attornies there, one chiropractor, several business men, one legal secretary, and myself.

    Also Darin brought his new girlfriend, and she is a very beautiful woman.

    Lots of good conversations, and surprisingly no JW talk, I forced myself to remain silent on that just yet.

    As soon as he gets the pictures back and on a website, then I will post the link here.

    I will be returning to Dayton the first week in November to help him campaign for his election, but for now Im getting ready to go to Kentucky for the Apple Festival this thursday.

    Busy, busy,busy

  • Junction-Guy

    I'm sure you were both handsome in your tuxes.

    Good to hear you are enjoying your self and living your life.

    Good for you!

  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks Awake and Watching, just remember the name "Darin Willis", he may be governor of Ohio someday.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Can't wait to see the pics! I love a man in a tux!

    Thanks for sharing your experience with us.


  • Gopher

    JG - will you get a chance to give speeches as part of this Toastmasters club? Maybe then you'll get a chance to relate some experiences of growing past the JW's.

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    JG, as a member of Toastmasters I have found it to be an excellent forum for my cult awareness campaign . .

    My icebreaker speach was 17 minutes (no one complained), it was entitled "When I was 5 Years Old I was Placed in a box, I spent 37 Years in that Box, I have Recently Gotten Out"

    Can you guess what it was about?

  • Junction-Guy

    Bumble Bee---Thanks, as soon as the pics are ready, I will post a link to them.

    Gopher-- actually Im not a member of his club, but he did offer me the chnace to speak. I just didnt feel like speaking that night.

    Locutus of Borg--- Darin gave his ice breaker speech on growing up in the JW's, I wasnt there to hear it though as I was here in Tennessee that night. Yes, I know what box you are talking about.

  • Rooster
  • FlyingHighNow

    Looking forward to the pictures, JG. I bet ya'll did look great in your tuxes and I'd love to see your brother's beautiful date. You truly are a busy guy. It has to be nice to be able to travel so much.

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