who believes, as I do, that they are GOD and in what sense?

by the dreamer dreaming 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    We are certainly no gods, human nature is very limited and mortal we hardly know anything relative to all that there is to know, we are very puny and confined to this earth and so it will always be with this weak human body.

  • parakeet

    Tyrone wrote: "I think the problem with that beleif for me is seeing the divinty in the evil that makes up part of our universe. I for myself reject evil. ..... In death there is no time or awarnes of this ongoing ryhtm so death is simply the process of being born all over again. Will it be a carry over of the old enrgy you had, good or bad? Or will the universe keep its blance and give you the opposite this next time?"

    Tyrone, if you're inclined to do some reading about Buddhist literature, you will find your posts closely resemble the tenets of Buddhism. Alan Watts' works explain the unexplainable beautifully. Here's an excerpt from his "The Way of Zen":

    ""The inmost Self of saint and sage is no less the veiled Godhead than the inmost Self of the debauchee, the coward, the lunatic ..... The opposites of light and darkness, good and evil, pleasure and pain, are the essential elements of the game, for although the Godhead is identified with Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss, the dark side of life has its integral part in the status quo..... For Hindu thought, there is no Problem of Evil. The conventional, relative world is necessarily a world of opposites. Light is inconceivable apart from darkness; order is meaningless without disorder."

    Watts further explains that this duality does not imply passivity for human beings. It may seem that in a world of dilemmas and contradictions that any action for good is pointless since evil is the necessary counterpart of goodness.
    But Buddhist belief encourages positive action for good -- in the "game" of existence, Good should always prevail over Evil, but never completely conquer it. The reverse is also true -- Evil must continuously be fought against, but never completely vanquished.

  • Twitch

    Interesting thread.

    I wonder if there weren't human beings, would there be a god?

  • JK666

    I am God of Sloth.


  • AlphaOmega

    I have posted thoughts about this on the thread about "dreaming the dream".

    I am "the Dreamer dreaming", yet I am a dream character.

    He is the fire, I am a flame.

    It really tormented me a while ago... but now I just simply "Am".

    It may all be different in the morning.

  • loosie

    I've been reading Wayne Dyer's book. I like what he has to say. That we are all in the same boat so to speak.

    we are all humanity and part of humanity. Like we are a big mirror in which all humanity is reflected but yet if you break a piece off that mirror. that piece (you) still reflects all of humanity.

  • frankiespeakin

    Life is the illusion God plays in.

  • poppers
    Life is the illusion God plays in.

    Nicely stated.

  • oompa

    I had never really thought of myself as God at all. But upon reflection, deep thought, and prayerful meditation, I realize that in this one particular position with my wife in bed, she often starts yelling "GOD GOD OH MY GOD."

    so i guess i am God, at least in THAT sense.....oompa

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I like reding all these different ideas. Its just a matter of making sense of your surroundings and your life.

    Twitch raised an interesting question. If there were no humans would there be any Gods? I wonder that too. If intelligent, life didn't exist than the concept wouldn't exist. I think therefore Iam. In this sense we might be Gods, but I just can't beleive we are the only intelligent forms of life, or perhaps even the highest form of life. Thats arrogant in a way. The mystery of it is amazing. The great hope howver is that we will evolve to the point of reaching that status, rather than dieing out. I belive we are evolving rather rapidly in someways when you compare human existance in history for the rate of advancements. There are more child prodigies now than ever before in hisory. Will good conquer evil before its too late. We are living in a global world, and I just dont think there is room for evil in a global world regardless of what Bhuda says about it. We will certainly destory the planet if we do not think globally. Thats just plain math.

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