by chuckyy 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • trevor

    Up until 1935, the Society had claimed that their entire membership would go to heaven, and quoted from Revelation 7:4 to show that the literal number of 144,000 would go to heaven.

    As the number of members passed 60,000 they realized the need to allow for expansion. They achieved this in 1935 by announcing that, in addition to the chosen few there was also a “great multitude or crowd” who would not go to heaven, but grow to human perfection and live forever on earth with the resurrected men of old.

    This idea was based on a “new truth” regarding their interpretation of Revelation 7:9 which refers to a “great crowd.” This great crowd could not have any direct communication with God, but could only gain salvation through association with the chosen ones in the Society. Thus they now claimed to have replaced Jesus as the only way to salvation.

    From this time on, most Witnesses could only look forward to life on earth. They could only be granted everlasting life by total obedience to the Society. They were to follow its dictates to the letter. If they in any way questioned its decisions or interpretations, they would be expelled.

    As there were now two classes, one with a belief that they would live forever on earth, the other with a heavenly hope, how would anyone know which class they were in? The directors at head office decided that they themselves would go to heaven, and in line with this status, retained their title of elder. Each congregation had until then, been run by members who had been voted in to the position of elder, by the other congregation members. They were now stripped of this title, and told that all congregations were to be run by company servants appointed by head office.

    The Society had, in one move, taken away these men’s positions as elders chosen by each congregation, and at the same time the hope of heavenly life for nearly all the members. This position was now reserved for the directors. In view of the higher class they were now in, they would make all future decisions regarding congregation matters. This gave the Society total control. To this day all members of the Governing Body claim to belong to the group with a heavenly hope. Finding suitable candidates of this calling to replace those who leave or pass away, has contributed to the drop in the number of men in the Governing Body from 18 to 10 at present. These men consider themselves to be the “faithful and discreet slave” that Jesus is said to have returned to gather in 1914. What is curious is that the latest member was not born until 1941, or baptised until 1959!

    Needless to say, the members who had loyally devoted their lives to the organization were deeply hurt. The Watchtower Society had come a long way from their original roots as a sincere group of Bible students, under the direction of Pastor Russell. Too far for many – and they left as they had done ten years earlier in 1925, when the date for Armageddon had again proved to be a false prophecy.

    Taken from my notes... Trevor

  • yknot

    Yes Gene Smalley did away with it in the May 1, 2007 QFR, it is also reinforce in the August 15, 2007 Watchtower.

    Alas poor Legal Department, their chances at running the WTBS were dashed to pieces and were only left a bone called the "public" watchtower to carry their message of mainstream. Now there will be annointed GB members until Jesus really returns.

    So what you need to know most is this:


    WHERE: Ask for the low-down at your nearest KH

    WHAT UP?: Free refreshment of wine and wafer while listening to a message about Jesus!

    Next years accounting of participants who partake: 7,000,000

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