Cancer cure 'may be available in two years' - But JWs Can't Use It

by Elsewhere 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    This potential cure is based on specialized immune cells that are extracted from donated blood.

    Cancer cure 'may be available in two years'
    By Nic Fleming Science Correspondent
    Last Updated: 2:08am BST 20/09/2007

    Cancer sufferers could be cured with injections of immune cells from other people within two years, scientists say.

    US researchers have been given the go-ahead to give patients transfusions of “super strength” cancer-killing cells from donors.

    Dr Zheng Cui, of the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, has shown in laboratory experiments that immune cells from some people can be almost 50 times more effective in fighting cancer than in others.

    Dr Cui, whose work is highlighted in this week’s New Scientist magazine, has previously shown cells from mice found to be immune to cancer can be used to cure ordinary mice with tumours.

    The work raises the prospect of using cancer-killing immune system cells called granulocytes from donors to significantly boost a cancer patient’s ability to fight their disease, and potentially cure them.

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last week gave Dr Cui permission to inject super-strength granulocytes into 22 patients.

    advertisementDr Cui said: “Our hope is that this could be a cure. Our pre-clinical tests have been exceptionally successful.

    “If this is half as effective in humans as it is in mice it could be that half of patients could be cured or at least given one to two years extra of high quality life.

    “The technology needed to do this already exists, so if it works in humans we could save a lot of lives, and we could be doing so within two years.”

    Dr Cui is confident patients could benefit from the technique quickly because the technology used to extract granulocytes is the same as that already used by hospitals to obtain other blood components such as plasma or platelets.

    Prof Gribben, a cancer immunologist at Cancer Research UK’s experimental centre at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, said: “The concept of using immune system cells to kill off someone else’s cancer is very, very exciting.”

    Dr Cui, who presented his latest findings at an anti-ageing conference in Cambridge last week, extracted granulocytes from 100 people, including some with cancer.

    When the immune cells were mixed with cervical cancer cells, those from different individuals demonstrated vastly varying abilities to fight the cancer.

    Those of the strongest participants killed close to 97 per cent of the cancer cells in 24 hours, while those of the weakest killed only two per cent.

    The abilities of the cells of participants aged over 50 were lower than average, and those of cancer patients even lower.

    Dr Cui noticed that the strength of a person’s immune system to combat cancer can also vary according to how stressed they are and the time of year.

    Initial experiments suggest it may be possible to transfer granulocytes which have demonstrated strong cancer-fighting powers into cancer sufferers.

    In 1999 Prof Cui and colleagues discovered a male mouse that appeared to be completely resistant to virulent cancer cells of several different types.

    Since then more than 2000 mice in 15 generations have been bred from the original cancer-free mouse and 40 per cent of the offspring have inherited the immunity.

    With the immune system, some types of cells which provide “innate immunity” are constantly on patrol for foreign invaders, while others have to firstly learn to identify a specific threat before going on the attack.

    Scientists developing cancer vaccines have generally attempted to stimulate responses in the immune system cells that require prior exposure.

    Last year Dr Cui caused shockwaves in the cancer research community when he identified granulocytes as the cells responsible for the mouse cancer immunity – because they are among those which act automatically.

    Prof Gribben said: “This is surprising because it goes against how we thought immune system works against cancer. It makes us think again about our preconceived notions.”

    Prof Cui injected granulocytes from immune mice into ordinary mice, and found it was possible to give them protection from cancer.

    Even more excitingly he found the transfusions caused existing cancers to go into remission and to clear them completely within weeks.

    A single dose of the cells appeared to give many of the mice resistance to cancer for the rest of their lives.

    Granulocyte transfusion has previously been used to try to prevent infections in cancer patients whose immune systems have been weakened by chemotherapy.

    However their effectiveness has been unclear because they have mainly been given to patients in an advanced stage of disease.

    Prof Gribben warned the US researchers would have to be careful to avoid other immune system cells from the donor proliferating in the patient’s body.

    He added: “If they’re using live cells there is a theoretical risk of graft-versus-host disease, which can prove fatal.”

    Dr Cui said he is working on ways to minimise this risk.

  • ldrnomo

    The borg will probably allow this based on some self reasoned rule they make up based on their interpretation of the Bible

  • oompa

    Oh yeah this is as good as in. No problem here it is like the fractions thing aok

    go ahead and write the wt problemo

  • BrentR

    The Borg will be damned if they do and damned if they don't on this one. How many blood cell related products can be allowed before the whole issue falls apart? But if they don't then countless people will end up dying a very uncomfortable death. That is what is unique about absurities that they come full circle and backfire.

    It will be interesting how they paint thier way out of this conundrum.

  • tula

    there ARE cures for cancer.....but it will never be through the medical industry.

    Cancer is a business...a BIG business.

    Did you know that there is a clause in the by-laws of the American Cancer Society that states if a cure for cancer is found, that the society will disband?

    Do you know how many people are riding that gravy train?

    Do you think they are going to give up all that money from your walks and fundraising to really give you a cure? Ha. think again.

    There are cures.....but they are from "the leaves of the trees". (and sometimes the bottom of the ocean)

  • BrentR

    That holds true for any disease as well as cancer. There is no money in finding cures but plenty of money to be made by managing a disease for as long as possible.

  • bebu

    That is exciting stuff!

    So, have granulocytes been "okay" or "not okay" since the WTS decided fractions were permissible? It will be quite interesting to see if/how this changes policy.

    I don't think that medical research will try to keep real cures from reaching the market. For one thing, the competitiveness among scientists for making major discoveries is intense. Fame and fortune, new money for new research to get new success will follow. Also, many researchers are motivated because they have lost someone close to that particular disease.


  • M.J.

    Granulocytes are a type of white blood cell. So no, they are one of the "four primary components" and cannot be used.

    Ironically, they are also abundant in milk.

  • M.J.

    This is big news, by the way! Thanks for posting this Elsewhere!

    In effect, this treatment IS NO DIFFERENT THAN THE NATURAL PROCESS OF A MOTHER'S FIRST BREAST FEEDINGS TO HER NEWBORN. The mother's body naturally delivers white blood cells, AKA "leukocytes", through the milk and the COLOSTRUM in particular, which fight disease and activate other immune defense mechanisms in the infant's body.

    Many of these TRANSFERRED white blood cells ingest and destroy foreign matter such as microorganisms or debris in the infant's body. Many of these phagocytic cells remain in the infant's gastrointestinal tract to ward off infection.

    Other milk leukocytes from the mother manufacture an enzyme that destroys bacteria. Still others help production of antibodies, kill infected cells, send out chemical messages to mobilize other components of the infant's immune system, and manufacture chemicals that can strengthen an infant's immune response.

    How is this REALLY different in principle from the procedure described in the above article?


  • hamsterbait

    if one of the Nazis in the GB needs it

    They will find a way to justify taking it. just like




    blood recovery machines

    renal dialysis.

    everybody else can just **** off and die .


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