Question for Christians Re: Cures

by serotonin_wraith 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • serotonin_wraith

    This is actually a sincere question (believe it or not!). I've mentioned how Christians may not look to find cures for things such as cancer, because they believe Jesus will sort it all out when he returns sometime soon. There were some who disagreed and said cures can still be sought.

    But I thought about that. Christians believe the diseases, the backache, the toothache, and all these other ailments we suffer with through life came about after the fall of man. It was God's punishment (or at least he set up a system in which ailments would come about if man ever fell) so I'm wondering on what basis Christians could say they can look for cures. Wouldn't that be trying to get out of the punishment we (apparently) deserve as a fallen species? (Why do other species get ill too, thinking about it? Was it always that way for them, because they didn't fall.)

    Doesn't God deserve to do what he wants to us because afterall, he made us? What right to Christians have (according to their beliefs) to even use asprin?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    ok I'll bite!! I feel this needs opening up a little though...

    (a) Christians believe the diseases, the backache, the toothache, and all these other ailments we suffer with through life came about after the fall of man. (b) It was God's punishment (or at least he set up a system in which ailments would come about if man ever fell)

    a) do we?

    b) is it?


  • alanv

    Once you start thinking about this logically, it really does seem absurd to the extreme that an apparant loving, just God would arrange for all forms of life to suffer, with some really terrable ailments, not only mankind but also all the innocent animals and sealife. Just think of the awful horrific ways that animals regularly get torn to shreads often while they are still alive. According to the witnesses this is allowed to go on simply to make a point to Satan and his demons that man needs God. Well I'm sorry but there is no way I could ever respect or love someone like that. Just imagine if it was your son or daughter that had messed up, yes they may need to be punished but that would be the end of it. The punishment would not go on for 6000 years or more to all there children and children's childen. Sorry for being so blunt but I feel this is the only way to look at it.

  • serotonin_wraith

    a) do we?

    Okay, then do you think before the fall of man, Adam and Eve had these ailments? It's the garden of Eden, isn't it supposed to be perfect? No sickness etc? You have to either accept that they were in perfect health before the fall and answer the previous question, or accept that God made them to live forever with diseases and sicknesses and aches and pains, knowing painkillers wouldn't be invented for a great many years.

    b) is it?

    Well not if it was just how God set it up to begin with before the fall, but I'm not sure that's the case.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    The all loving God is a logical falicy. Forget him. He does not exist.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    Okay, then do you think before the fall of man, Adam and Eve had these ailments? It's the garden of Eden, isn't it supposed to be perfect? No sickness etc? You have to either accept that they were in perfect health before the fall and answer the previous question, or accept that God made them to live forever with diseases and sicknesses and aches and pains, knowing painkillers wouldn't be invented for a great many years.

    Strangely enough, yes they might have had some ailments - or a more likely guess that they developed them later on in life. It doesn't say in the creation account that God created everything to be perfect - it says it was 'very good'.

    I don't see your 'either or' reasoning as valid either - it doesn't say in the creation account that man was created to live forever (or at least not in this physical realm). The result of 'the fall' imo was spiritual death ie seperation from relationship with God, not physical death - that was always going to happen anyway - maybe along with sickness and disease. If we accept God created us, we have to accept that He created the bugs as well!

    ps - aspirin is based on the willow plant, then there's caffeine, cocaine, opium to name a few natural sources, so it possibly didn't take quite so long to discover painkillers

  • oompa

    I prayed before book study that I could understand "Climax" and now my pants are getting tight!

    praise the lord........oompa

  • mouthy

    The all loving God is a logical falicy. Forget him. He does not exist. That is your opinion love ...& it is allowed....As we all have differant beliefs on here,,, but we love each other UNCONDITIONALLY--------Let us keep this up.
    But I find the following statement interesting. "The Art Of Being Intellectual". By Ignace Lapp
    Spiritual imperialism is no more desirable than political imperilisam instead of liberating & elevating it
    enslaves ......
    " To be surrounded by people who love you & accept the message with enthusiam & gratitude can only be a source of great joy for the teacher He finds in such friendship something like the fountain of
    youth & above all he may hope that his message will live on in his disciples who are his friends" So I believe we each believe in differant teachers....If you believe in yours follow "IT" ???HIM??HER??
    I believe our days are numbered....I take medicine !!!! I know I will never be cured.!!!! But I am not a slave to anyone ..... except this ruddy board

  • serotonin_wraith

    So God created Adam and Eve to have a limited lifespan aswell as sickness and disease? It sounds like how things work today. Who am I to question the Lord, but a few things strike me as odd about this. Why make diseases when you know man won't be able to cure them for hundreds or thousands of years, or perhaps never? There's a tree of life in the garden too, which God doesn't forbid them eating from. He stops them getting to it AFTER the fall. I'm not sure if you believe the Earth will be transformed in the future, but if you do, when God says sickness and death shall be no more, why make the improvement then, instead of back in the Garden?

    I'm off to bed now, so I won't be able to reply for a while.

  • mouthy

    There's a tree of life in the garden too, which God doesn't forbid them eating from. He stops them getting to it AFTER the fall. Yout right JTD.... But isnt it interesting that he said after they picked the knowledge "There is NOTHING they will not be able to do" Because they had the knowledge ....But it was AFTER they were prevented from getting to the tree of life. That is ONE thing man cannot do> prolong his life indefinatly ... I am so thankful they didnt pick the tree of life first..... then the tree of knowledge.. can you imagine what life would be like with all mans ways & ever lasting life. At lest we KNOW we will get out of it at some point....

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