WAC bids a farewell to the JWD community

by What-A-Coincidence 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker4

    "Seeker4 - maybe some people are conspiring together to go join other forums (?)."

    I don't think there's any rule against belonging to more than one forum.


  • IP_SEC

    I dont know what precipiated this and Im too lazy to look for it.

    There is nothing wrong with joining other XJWforums. Hell I've belonged to 3 or 4 others.

    I decided not to join any more forums for 2 reasons.

    1. I dont have time to keep up with what is happening on multiple forums.

    2. They have always degraded into animal houses of tripe, gossip, and controversy over who said what to who; and who is sleeping with who; what is the real identity of what troll; et cetera, et cetera.

    Good luck to ya WAC.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    We are going to miss you, I hope you keep in touch. " YOU ARE THE BEST".


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