Child Baptisims Really Pissing Me Off. Linked to DF's

by oompa 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • oompa

    As a parent with a DF'd 22 year old son who I love to hang with, I just need to vent a little. My completly ingrained family do not treat him as family. It kills me. I want to grill out with all my family on the deck like a few years ago. Mom, Pop, please come over....yes "HE" will be here, he is my son, and your grandson.

    We were both 16 when we got plunged, but I have been at a convention with loud applause when they noted the babtisms that day "included from age 9 to 90" Yeeehaaa! Now due to this "bloom of youth" thing we can't date anybody, much less consider marriage because we are too immature. But we can, in our mind/heart/prayer make a VOW to serve God in ways we can not comprend, or comprehend the penalties if we do not serve correctly.

    When these kids, at 15, 16, 17... (when there is pretty much one thing on lots of guys and girls minds) go for a little hand up the girls shirt or get a little horizontal panty pumping going on, that is what they should be doing! I swear when you want to take on some religious cloak (or spash) like a Monk, you better have grown up more. I say 25 is a good MINIMUM age.

    Our poor immature kids are dealt a psycotic hand when DF'd. Yey they can't even legally, buy cigaretts, go to an R rated movie, vote, go in the military, drive a car somtimes, drink beer. Geez these are kids, and they get treated like some criminal in isolation!

    How could this policy ever change? not that many scriptures....oompa

  • SnakesInTheTower

    jesus was 30 when he got baptized...'nuff said....

    Snakes ()

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Good point oompa, if I remember correctly It brings a great amount of pride for the parents to see their children get baptized young

    it brings to the parents a great degree of respectability in the congregation, there is also a controlled amount of fear placed in the children's minds

    as in if they were not to get baptized they might not get god's approval and possibly die at Armageddon. So all of this plays a roll in why kids are getting dunked as young as they are.

    But hey another dedicated servant to Jehovah is also is going to be another slave and servant to the Watchtower Society...........Ka Ching

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    I bet most of the guys in the gospel times were over 30. I was reading Paul's writings which stated that he only baptized around four people and he was glad that he did not baptized the remaining people.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Don't start me on Baptisms. If they waited till their kids were adults there wouldn't be any Baptisms.

    They treat Baptisms as a contract, yet minors cannot be party to a contract, so in my opinion these 'Baptisms' are VOID.

  • garybuss

    I was baptized at age 12 in 1957 because my parents told me I had to. The parents told me that at the start of puberty family merit ends and individual merit begins. Before puberty I was saved by the good deeds done by my parents, after puberty I was judged by Jehovah based solely on my own behavior and if I was not baptized I would be murdered by Jehovah at Armageddon soon.

    That seemed like a compelling enough reason to me at the time.

  • shell69

    Bravo Ooompa, well said.

    They are so cruel


  • fresia

    They should be enjoying their childhood and thats what they are children, physically they may be sexually old enough but they are not emotionally old enough to make huge steps like these especially with the dire consequences, like being DF or losing youre family because you made a normal mistake any kid would make but the penelty was osticisation.

    I think guys should be at least 25 and girls 21.

  • 4digitcode

    i had been studying since i was 10 and finally took the plunge when i was 17. not because i really wanted to. some elder came to me after a meeting and said 'what is keeping you from getting baptized? you still have time till the next convention'. i was like ok i'll think about it, went through the questions and did it. never did a dedication prayer...i'm not even sure i knew i had to.just took the plunge.of course i felt some of the weight of baptism and was really happy i was dedicating myself to god.Man so much love bombing that day, it brought me to tears....i was so loved.and what privileges i got!!!the privilege of now slowly being revealed all that was wrong with the org,because no one had to pretend anymore, full coverage of other members private lives, and i was now on the market for a wonderful spiritual brothers.....have to go puke now.....

  • oompa


    Good point oompa, if I remember correctly It brings a great amount of pride for the parents to see their children get baptized young

    it brings to the parents a great degree of respectability in the congregation,

    I must have been fading internally for longer than I thought. I remember BEGGING my 16 year old (now 22) to NOT get baptized! I knew it was not worth the risk, and he always had a wild hair up his ass. Just like since he was 13, he would not listen.

    now he listens better....oompa

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