New Here

by AlmightyPrincess 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • safe4kids

    Welcome to Lidia, Nixi and Lesley (and Steven)...this can be a great place for working through some of the residual JW issues we have after leaving. It's also a great place to make some true friends, as I've found. Please keep posting and let us know how you are all doing!


    "...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."

    Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Welcome lidia:

    I too was raised in a JW family and started to face my issues about 2-3 years ago. Last year I read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz and I must say that was the start of my journey into serious searching. I found this place about 8 months ago, lurked for a couple of weeks and took the plunge with lumps in my throat. I too felt a great lift off my shoulders, and now I don't shut up.

    Coming to terms with the realization we were all fooled and blinded for most of our life can cause us to feel like we're on a rollarcoaster with our emotions. I still find that and am so thankful I have found this place to learn, vent, cry and laugh.

    Hello Nixi:

    Your English is just great! I've often wished I could speak another language....maybe someday I will try to learn one. Welcome to our board.

    Hello Lesley:

    Glad you felt brave enough too to post. Its always nice to hear from another unblinded one. I agree with think41self about this being a great place to work out lingering issues and be with people who truly understand what a former JW is going through in leaving the WTS.

    I look forward to hearing your stories about yourselves if you can tell us. Some here take a while to feel comfortable talking about their experiences or issues, others just jump in and blurt it all out like I did. Whatever you do, feel right at home here and enjoy!!!

  • HyTech

    Welcome Lidia and Nixi I'm new here too. Been looking around a few weeks and got brave enough to finally post a few days ago. I'm glad I'm not the only one new here. It is just too bad the watchtower has destroyed so many peoples lives. I'm glad I made it out okay but some of the stories here are pretty disturbing. Hang in there.

  • Xena

    Just wanted to say "hi" to everyone! I haven't been here long myself, but I can tell you there are some GREAT people on here!

    Looking forward to seeing you around!

  • more2C

    Welcome aboard! I have learned a lot by reading and posting here also. It can definately be addicting. I am still amazed how we can relate to each other by having been in the truth. We have so much in common. There are so many different stages that people here are going through. You can find various opinions on just about any topic. Welcome and I look forward to many of your posts.


  • slipnslidemaster

    Welcome to the board. You are not alone!!

    Cool...two more chicks....hehehe

    Slipnslidemaster:"It is always the best policy to tell the truth, unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar."

    - Jerome K. Jerome

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