I'm curious, as a JW,what were "worldly" things to you? Tell us differences

by NotaNess 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • NotaNess

    One thing that bugs me about the witnesses that surround me is their interpretation of what's worldly or not.

    I'm surrounded by money focused people, who have to have such expensive things, clothing, go to bars or clubs, drink enough to be buzzed real good, if not a bit drunk, Party goers, gossipers, lyers, foul immoral thinking ones...should I go on?

    So where does a witness draw their own line in the sand? This is where I see hypocracy flourish. Hearing the "worldly" word thrown out in conversation.

    What can you tell us?

  • shell69

    Their interpretation is whatever the madd arse dubs make it, and more oftern than not its influenced locally;

    When I was a kid I wasn't allowed a 'perry' haricut... coz it was worldly, and split in my skirt...coz it was worldly, to die my hair... coz it was worldly. Listen to Frankie goes to hollywod, coz it was worldly.

    It goes on and on.

    Personal opinion is that parents are too afraid to upset the local dubs for fear their kids will get labelled as bad assosiation, and OF COURSE, that would be reflection upon them and their parental skills!

    Crap! Shell

  • AgentSmith

    LOL I was told Queen, AC/DC, Frankie goes to hollywood, Village people, KISS, Etc etc was evil and 'wordly' I still owned a few albums, to keep me sane see?

    dating=wordly, should be 'courting' (Gonna get married, right?)

    Friends at school, University/College, family (non-Witless)

    just about everything that was not endorsed by my Pres Overseer father, or the WT&BT$....

    Alchohol, however I did experiment. Got horribly wasted in the company of fellow 'Witties'. They never ratted me out, however I must say that was the last time I drank that much alchohol. I knew I had enough when I downed some guys beer, and it tasted like water. I only realised the next day I did that, and was told how I acted. Could not remember much... I thought THAT was 'worldly'

  • jaguarbass

    I'm surrounded by money focused people, who have to have such expensive things, clothing, go to bars or clubs, drink enough to be buzzed real good, if not a bit drunk, Party goers, gossipers, lyers, foul immoral thinking ones...should I go on?

    To me the above describes many of the witnoids I knew in the 70's and 80's. They drew the line at, those things were cool amongst fellow witnoids.

    You party and get drunk with people from the hall not worldly people from work or school.

    And you have to party and get drunk with the right crowd from the hall or else vindictive jealousies will come to play.

    I say many, I knew some that lived simple family lifes based on wactower study. And wholesome values.

    But they had different problems. And today many of them are divorced and their children are not witnoids.

    I'm thinking if you want to live a certain kind of biblical life, you might want to be like Paul in his later years and not be married or with family.

    Keep it simple.

    People places and things cause problems.

  • aniron

    Anything that was outside the Watchtower organisation as the rest of the world was evil, Satanic. If it wasn't needed to help you serve Jehovah then it was bad.

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