DO YOU know how to be WRONG?? Should you TRY?

by Terry 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    A willingness to be wrong is the beginning of intellectual honesty.

    Are you willing?

    It hurts to be wrong. It is often humiliating. It causes embarrasment and creates anxiety.

    But, without a willingness to be wrong (who can always be right?) no room for personal growth is possible.

    Personal growth consists of climbing a kind of stairway from one level of knowledge to the next. You can't climb the stairs until you leave behind the level you were just on and move away from it.

    Your habits, tastes, world view, prejudices, belief system and inclinations MAY BE WRONG to some extent. When is the last time you really listened to an opposing viewpoint without being totally defensive?

    1.Learn to avoid being ON GUARD when listening to an opposite viewpoint.

    2.Ask questions that gather information rather than merely trying to poke holes defensively.

    3.Learn to categorize sources for their authenticity. Is it data? Is it "informed" but un-named sources? Is it "experts"?Is it rumor, hearsay or a friend? Ask yourself what sources you AUTOMATICALLY listen to. Ask yourself what sources you AUTOMATICALLY refuse to consider.

    4.Know the difference between healthy skepticism and ideological cynicism.

    5.Try reading opposite authorities on subjects you think you know pretty well. What are the points of tension and disagreement? Is there factual discrepency or is it prejudice?

    6.How do you KNOW what you say you "know"? How much of your own mind went into forming your opinions? Did you argue, debate and discuss first? Or, did it "sound good" and you went with it?

    7.Try ending your most convincing arguments with, "Where am I going wrong on this?" Or, "That's what I think; what am I missing?"
    8. Can you state simply right now what the difference is between gullible and faithful? How are they similar? How are they different? Which are you when it comes to cherished beliefs?

    9.Learn to recognize that openess to debate is the sign of a healthy mind. Entrenched positions signal themselves when you feel angry if contradicted.

    10.There are NO contradictions in the real world. If something in your world view contradicts reality you must immediately grasp that you are WRONG! Logic is based on non-contradiction. Do you use emotional arguments or logical arguments to defend your position?

    Finally, If you dont' actively seek out ways of being wrong you aren't trying hard enough to be honest, sincere, precise and closer to reality.

    The idiot is convinced and closes his mind.

    The wise man knows only that he knows nothing.

  • Narkissos
    There are NO contradictions in the real world

    Could YOU be wrong about that?

    Leaving this aside, excellent post.

  • Terry
    There are NO contradictions in the real world

    Could YOU be wrong about that?

    Leaving this aside, excellent post.

    Damn! I hadn't considered that!

    Actually, I couldn't think of anything that is true which was self-contradictory. Self-reference being the true context of self-contradiction. (Goedel, Escher, Bach)

  • minimus

    After reading the 10 point list, I think I'd rather be right.

  • eclipse

    I am right all of the time, Terry

  • AlphaOmega

    It's true.

    I have had this in my head all day today...

    "Nature has a funny way of breaking that which does not bend..."

    We all go through our days thinking that we are doing the right thing, afterall, who would do something that they know to be wrong; however a closed mind is a timebomb !

    Good thread.

  • Terry
    I am right all of the time, Terry

    Then, what is left?

  • eclipse


    I am wrong alot of the times, and admit it, because I have learned that it is

    more embarrasing to stick to your guns when you are wrong...

    especially when faced with someone who can prove you wrong, NOW that is humiliating.

  • Quentin
    5.Try reading opposite authorities on subjects you think you know pretty well. What are the points of tension and disagreement? Is there factual discrepancy or is it prejudice?

    I do is hard, hard, hard to do...yet, I have discovered it is a necessity....

    How can you know a thing unless you understand it...

    How can you understand a thing unless you know it............

  • Paralipomenon

    Good post, I agree with everything but the last point.

    But 9/10 is much better than Terry and I's historical track record for agreeing with each other.

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