Why did the puny human cross the road

by Jehovah_God 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jehovah_God

    Cus I told him to! Har!!

    See? People sometimes wonder why, if I created puny humans in my image, I don't have a sense of humor in the bible. You don't ever see me inspiring a prophet to tell a little joke or tell a funny limerick. When Jesus was around you never saw him cracking jokes. Why is religion os serious and lacking in fun? Well the answer is because all humor is from Satan. Yup its true. I can tell jokes though because you must do as I say but not as I do. So if you ever catch someone cracking a joke, do my job for me and slay him right there and then. Remember, religion is serious business! Althought I wouldn't mind it if next time someone prayed to me they told me a joke..but dangit then id have to kill them...

    such is the dilema of being your Lord.

  • wannahelp


    It's all clear to me now.. Just like you need the 'wild beast' to help you with your preaching work here on earth, you need Satan to help you with a sense of humor..

    Co-dependence.. I get it now!!!!

  • ashitaka

    ok, i'll go out and buy a sword as soon as I can.


  • logical

    Now look what you've gone and done...

    Excerpts from Watchtower April 1, 2002

    "Is humour proper Christian behaviour?"

    (par. 3): "...When Jesus was around you never saw him cracking jokes. Why is religion os serious and lacking in fun? Well the answer is because all humor is from Satan."

    (par 18): "...Remember, religion is serious business!. Joking will now be a disfellowshipping offense if a christian shows unrepentance..."

  • You Know
    You Know

    You are quite mistaken, you poor ignorant boob. Jehovah, in fact, says that he is going to laugh at you and ridicule you when what you dread comes upon you when your world comes undone. The joke is on you. Get it? LOL / You Know

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    Y/K This thread is a joke...
    Jehovah_gods post there that was a joke...
    But I am sure YOU KNOW that...

  • patio34

    You Know,

    This is the 1st time I've replied to your posts, but this one got me thinking.

    The way you put it is the laughing by Jehovah of the Bible and his worshippers is at the impending deaths of billions of people, including babes, children, and handicapped.

    That's your idea of a sense of humor?

    That speaks volumes for the JWs like you--but I know they aren't all like you--openly at least.


  • expatbrit
    Jehovah, in fact, says that he is going to laugh at you and ridicule you when what you dread comes upon you when your world comes undone.

    So here we have a powerful person causing pain and grief to others, and laughing at their fear while he does it. This is the God you worship. A bullying, petty, peevish and spiteful sadist.


  • Satanus

    Rolling rock

    YouKnow knows everything/nothing. That he showed his lack of humor sense shows jehovah_god knows what he/she is talking about.


  • COMF

    Why did the chicken cross the road?

    ...to prove to the armadillo that it could be done. (Texas humor)

    Robbie... wipe your chin. You're drooling all over the board again, thinking about everybody but you getting turned into hamburger.

    Jehovah, in fact, says that he is going to laugh at you and ridicule you

    Gotta love a God who ridicules people. I mean, it makes him so... so... human!


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