Body Modification/older societies/similar to WBTS view of women

by restrangled 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    There are plenty of religious groups like the WTS that put woman in a position of lowliness under complete subjection to their husbands or to other men in the religion, it's a state of power

    and control, kind of brings to light why men start religions in the first place. These usually very old social doctrines were established by power seeking men for their benefit.

  • educ8self
    The age old "keep the women in their place" attitude from that earlier time period is still firmly practiced and in place.

    And of course this is a place that was created/engineered isn't it? If it is not natural, then it wasn't "their place" in the first place!

    And as far as the idea of a woman seducing a man into sin, lets see: If you can be spiritual while being in the flesh, which pretty much all traditions accept otherwise why bother - then how can you blame anyone? Of course that is viewed as a historical oh-sh!t moment rather than any kind of individual responsibility, (forces within yourself to be brought into harmony) which is nice because you can blame someone else be it the other sex or your great-great-great-great-great grandparents in the past.

    Also another way you might look at it is if you go with the idea that women are more earthly and men are more spiritual, (simplistic generalization of course, but just for the sake of argument) then Eve was doing what she was supposed to do. Adam screwed up because that is supposedly his role.

    Anyway, another way of looking at it is in the big picture, there is a "body modification" going on in terms of the environment. Not that there's any real spiritual impetus behind that, mind you, but the same kind of dominance perspective is behind it. But it isn't just a matter of who's in power, because behind the dominance is plain old ignorance.

  • Gill

    The WTBTS applies 'mental binding' to its women folk that are as damaging as any physical ones.

    A woman can clean the toilets at the KH but she cannot handle the microphones, give a talk on her own, wear trousers, lead a group is someone with a willy is there etc.

    Women are 'less' than men in the WTBTS!

    No one can argue with that!

  • greendawn

    Sweetstuff who knows how they would act towards women if they had total freedom to do as they wished? But I think they wouldn't go as far as the super oppressive Sharia Moslems who basically see women as unruly children that need to be constantly supervised and controlled.

    The Bible, at least the New Testament, which they claim to follow has a much better opinion of women than does the Koran.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    What a bunch of witches!! Don't you hussies have some clothes to wash, some diapers to change, or some pork to cook?

  • Dragonlady76
    I am puzzled when men use sayings like " don't be such a pussy" and "quit being such a girl" to taunt each other, then say that they don't view that as being a putdown toward women.

    Everytime I hear that I cringe!

    If someone kicked me in the crotch I would not be as bad off as a man would.

    It's funny that "God" is a male and males cannot reproduce I thought "God" made everything perfect the first time?

    Any time I hear men taking tough I chime in with labor stories.

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