Last hike of the summer.

by BrentR 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrentR

    We were able to sneak up to Mt Rainier National Park on Fri before the Labor Day masses came up. I wanted to explore the far northeast area of the park and check out the mineral hot springs.

    Nirada Falls.


    Reflection lake. The trout were feeding like crazy and I will have t go back with the flypole real son.


    We hiked in a sub-alpine old growth forest of Douglas fir, spruce, hemlock and vine maple. This doug fir's base takes up the whole lower picture frame.


    Ohanapecosh hot springs. These small mineral hot springs cover at least a 200 square foot area and are bubbling up 117-120 deg water and sulphur dioxide. You smell them before you see them. Back in the early 1900's they were owned by a private health spa but the National Park Service bought them, tore down the buildings and restored the area back to it's original condition.


    Silver falls is a series of "stair stepping" water falls on the Ohanapecosh river.



    Pinnacle peak (6600' elev.) with some cloud mist rolling in.


    Momma and the youngster snagging some grub. Right after I took this pic. another fawn showed up, most likley the twin.


    I shot alot of video and here are some short snippets:

    Hot springs

    Silver falls

  • hubert

    Nice scenery, Brent. I love the mountains.

    Your daughter is beaming. You can tell she enjoys hiking with you.

    Thanks for the photos and videos. Glad to see you are enjoying the last days of summer with your family.

    I took my granddaughter out Friday to Battleship Cove in Fall River , Mass. She loves to explore the insides of the ships.


  • changeling

    Pretty! Cute kid too!



    Color me green with envy.

  • Gretchen956

    Nice. Mt. Rainier is one of the things I miss most keenly since I moved to Oregon. Wish I could get up there again.


  • BrentR

    If you guys are ever up visiting WA state be sure to spend at least one day at the park. There is alot of great scenery viewable just from the hjndreds of miles of park road. Much more is just a .1 to .5 mile hike from the roads. The ultra incredible sights require you to lace up the boots, throw on the day pack and hit the trail.

    We could have used more sunshine but it came out enough to get a few good pics. The temps were also very pleasant.

  • Cicatrix

    How beautiful! Thanks for sharing. The color of the water is wonderful. Hope you all had a great time!

  • BrentR

    There are a couple spots in the park that have a slice of old growth doug fir tree and I always like to read the little tags on them. Each tag has a geological or historical event that matches one of the age rings. This one here started growing in 1390.

    My daughter is 4'4" tall so that gives some perspective in the tree's size. I have been showing her pics on the net about the giant redwoods in CA.


  • purplesofa

    Wow, where you live is simply awesome. I cant imagine having that for my playground.

    Thanks heaps for sharing


  • BrentR

    It is a great playground but for trees to get that big and tall, have gushing rivers and glaciers requires rain, alot of rain. Nine months out of the year it is grey clouds and rain. And then when you can't stand it anymore and start to look at homes in AZ it rains some more. That is why we are all gourmet coffee addicts up here. If we get buzzed enough on caffiene we can ignore the rain a little easier. Seattle has more expresso stands then fire hydrants.

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