JW Memorials Should Have Ceased Because of the 1914 Doctrine.

by OnTheWayOut 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • garybuss

    Proclaimers chap. 10 p. 137 Growing in Accurate Knowledge of the Truth
    As the events following 1914 began to unfold and the Bible Students compared these with what the Master had foretold, they gradually came to appreciate that they were living in the last days of the old system and that they had been since 1914. They also came to understand that it was in the year 1914 that Christ's invisible presence had begun and that this was, not by his personally returning (even invisibly) to the vicinity of the earth, but by his directing his attention toward the earth as ruling King.

  • leavingwt

    Never once, in my 23 years of being a JW -- not even at Bethel -- did one single JW ever pronounce the word "Nisan" properly. Surely, that's a sign that they don't have a clue about celebrating the Lord's Evening Meal.

    http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nisan (Audio available here)

    Pronunciation: \ ' ni-s ? n, ne- ' sän\

    Did you know any that pronounced it properly? After all, it was THE only JW holiday and the THE most important day of the year.


  • OnTheWayOut

    LWT, I don't think it's all that clear or important.

    Your link gives all this differing information:

    \ ' ni-s ? n, ne- ' sän\
    Hebrew Nisan (symbol didn't show up, this one has long I and long A)

    and the audio is only one of those ways.

    I have heard it pronounced like the automobile corp. NISSAN (neeson) and with the long I (nigh sen).
    But we do butcher language all the time. To me, not a big deal.

  • sacolton

    Yup, we've been prounoucing it as "NIGH-SON" at our congreation. It should rhyme with "listen".

  • leavingwt
    LWT, I don't think it's all that clear or important.

    Unless I'm mistaken, the two audio files correspond with these two:

    \ ' ni-s ? n, ne- ' sän\
  • oompa

    Garybuss....lol...i have read that early in my becoming apostate.....

    How many dubs do think Jesus came invisibly in 1914???? as the proclaimers book clearly states in Gary's post above:

    not by his personally returning (even invisibly) to the vicinity of the earth, but by his directing his attention toward the earth as ruling King.

    so his "invisible presence began" in that he is "directing his attention toward the earth as ruling king"........right...but he didn't return.......these people are freakin wordwizards!!!..............oompa

  • garybuss

    You wrote: "these people are freakin wordwizards!!!"In these parts we call that sort of people "polecats". "Polecat" is a nice word for lyin' crook. Deception is any other business except religion is called fraud.

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