Is it possible to have an unbiased opinion on this Question:

by freeme 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Twitch
    Everybodies biased. Everyones working an angle, playing a game. That's life.

  • bikerchic

    More to the point why would or should there be an unbiased opinion on morality?

    Everybodies biased. Everyones working an angle, playing a game. That's life.

    I agree with jaguarbass you will have as many opinions on morality (or any subject) as people you ask. Take away a person's opinion or choice and we might as well be wearing burkas in a third world country or worse if you can imagine that.

  • educ8self

    Multiple choice, and only two at that? Well without going into all sorts of details lets just say it depends on how you're looking at it, the amount and type of sex people has is not exactly determined by biology alone. There are different aspects to how the mind can be influenced, but lets say "everyone" is selling something. At some point you have to account for the mental structures as well as the physical ones.

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