Describe the Perfect Woman or Man....

by Dragonlady76 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackPearl

    I always thought the ladies preferred thicker, vertical in this bar chart. And look....there even different lenghts.


  • Sassy
    sassy, you think serina williams is hot? hahahahah

    Serina may be hot.. but I lean towards the male gender...

  • freyd

    A wife who lives at least 500 miles out of town and who doesn't want or need me for financial purposes.

  • Thinking of Leaving
    Thinking of Leaving

    I myself need someone patient, I'm miserable at certain times of the month

    Someone who is looking for a commitment, no players

    Someone who is thoughtful, caring, lets me have a mind of my own, respects me.

    I like taller men even though I'm only 5'2he doesn't necessarily have to be overly handsome but cute in my eyes. Like my present boyfriend, he's 6'3 and very skinny, but I love him

  • Anony-Mouse

    Around my age.

    Cute (just above average, it's not all that matters!)

    Sense of humor compatible with mine (that's a bit rare :P )

    Loves romance (like I do.....;) )

    Nice legs (what can I say....I'm a legs guy....)

    Smart, independent! (I want a girl who will TELL me if she disagrees with what I say)

    Communicates (I wanna know what's happening)

    And just a plain nice person (Doesn't need to run an orphanage, but still someone who'd rather make peace than fight)

  • sweetface2233
    lol looks like he's trying to crack a big one off if you ask me, and the bloke behind him looks like he's trying to stifle one! (Debbie of the toilet humour class)

    Every so often I come across a comment that is so funny I stop breathing cause I'm laughing so hard. Thank you Dobbie, I needed that today!

  • Sparkplug

    Challenges my mind and does not let me get away with everything and yet does not hold me under his thumb or try to break my spirit.

    He accepts my children and yet does not force himself upon them. He lets them come to him.

    He has a sense of himself and yet is not full of himself.

    He understands that I will give way more than I ever expect if I am treated right and will never take as much as I deserve if just treated with respect.

    He will let me be a partner and will be creative with me.

    He will accept pampering and will be forced to endure backrubs and kisses and endless hours of creative and aggressive sex. I will be as playful and as creative as you want to be. If I am not as he wishes...he can teach me something new. I am not afraid to try it once. If I tried it and hated it...I will tell him. If I have something to teach him...he will let me and not question me where I learned it.

    He will not be jealous, but he will be protective and acknowledge what is his.

    He will have to be creative with his eating habits and be smart. He must be willing to try culinary arts.

    Intelligent conversation is a must and good debating skills are a must. He must have knowledge to offer.

    He must know there will be some hard ass times and that my family is loony as the day is long and that most of the time he will never see them.

    He must accept that I have some deep scars that cause me to just look at the world a bit different than others and perhaps I am a bit tougher to crack than some.

    He must understand that I love harder than most and I have a hot temper but it takes a lot for me to get to the point where I will show it.

    But once I do show it I don't back out of a fight easily and I am honest about what I am feeeling to a fault.

    I can be the sweetest thing you have ever known and yet again the meanest thing you have ever bedded.

    He will accept help.

    He will help.

    He will accept love and caring in vast amounts.

    He will be willling to be loyal and honest.

    Communication is a must.

    He has to be willing to keep trying even when times get rough.

    When times are hard, and everything sucks...he will just be. Just hang on with me and just be. Hugs are good. You know the kind that just last for hours. Till you fall asleep. Mascara on his shirt, hair all askew, and he does not care. He lets you cry and he just breathes. Even if he is scared or unsure. You hang on together.

    He has interest that I may not understand, but he lets me choose to be a part of them or not. He does not block me out or decide for me. He lets me have interest and I will let him choose the same. Like I love sewing. Maybe he wont give a damn about it. (But I'll let him choose.)

    Futhermore... The perfect man loves me for me. I love him for him...

    Mistakes and all.

    He does not have to be tall dark and handsome. He does not have to have a certian color of eyes and a certian color of hair. He does not have to be loaded with muscles or not loaded with muscles or of a certian race or style, class or birthright, money acount or even a skillset...I will know him when I see him and he will know me.

    It will not be perfect, but it will be perfect for me.

  • bigdreaux

    sparkplug, you don't ask for much, do ya? lol

  • Twitch
    Describe the Perfect Woman or Man....

    ummm, why?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Over 18 and conscious.

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