Did I just get lucky?

by noontide 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • arker

    "Celebrate holidays, drink, smoke, curse, have sex, etc"

    Witnesses have their holiday- we just have more

    I've seen elders drink "worldy" people under the table

    They used to smoke and take smoke breaks during meetings

    Do any of them not curse

    Sex... They do that also

    I'd say by doing these things you are not much different then them except your not a hypocrate for doing it. The difference is that your doing it because you are living your life to the fullest and want to enjoy it. You do it because you want to not because someone is telling you "you have to" Enjoy it! YOUR FREE

  • Dragonlady76

    We are sexual beings, it's a basic human need for us and we should not be ashamed of sex, it's not a sin to enjoy sex.

    I will tell you what is a sin though, a sin is lying to millions of people about failed prophecies, hiding sexual predators in congo amongst innocent children, controlling peoples lives down to the point that it affects their mental stability, the list of the societies sin go on and on.

    My advice is to get on with your life, enjoy the sunshine, the freedom, go out on dates have fun, have sex it's good for you. You can lead a good clean life iwth out cursing or celebrating holidays if that bothers you.

    Someday you will come across the right woman.

  • RollerDave

    Welcome, Noontide!

    You pondered whether you were using the flaws within the 0rg as 'an excuse to do bad.'


    Well, the flaws with the JW's are the real 'truth', the 'truth about the truth' so to speak.

    Only your conscience and heart know whether you are using true facts in this way, and I won't judge you because I'm not Jesus.

    But whether you are or not, it doesn't change the truth of the facts, the WTS is a sham and you have to make a life you can live outside of it.

    I think it's wise to examine our motives and intentions from time to time and think it's admirable that you are able to keep your faith in God even tho the WTS screwed you over.

    I too went through years of feeling that God made me the way I am, and was going to kill me for it and was very bitter. Once I realized that the WTS God is NOT the God of the Bible, I was able to make a connection and my life got MUCH better.

    I guess you and are BOTH pretty lucky, there are far too many still living the lie.

    Glad to meet you and if I can ever be of service, I am but a PM away.


  • OICU8it2

    Good post. You are lucky you found this board so stay with it. CoC is recommended reading. The inside info says it all. Ray's story of constant internal strife and his reasonings and conclusions are powerful and withstand all scrutiny. An example of his logic: If you would be disfellowshipped today for believing and espousing the very things that supposedly were the basis of Jesus' selection of the organization in 1918 to be appointed over all his worldly things it makes one doubt that selection. (He puts it in more clear words.) Sex is just what it is. One thing you probably have thought about is that marriage does not guarantee you won't still have unwanted urges. This is how you were about baptism, not wanting to trust yourself. Marriage and perhaps, family become more important as one ages. I don't think you ever stop thinking about illicit sex completely. Thoughts just pop in there. I quit beating myself up over the WT after I found out about it and this board and CoC, Gentile Times Revisited, etc. Stick around.

  • jaguarbass

    Sex is what makes the world go round. Sex and lies. That is why religions make sex a taboo, or at least controll and regulate it. They know comming out of the box that they have you over a barrell. Its called controll. I believed every word I was taught as a child witnoid also. I was emmancipatted by the lackluster armeggeddon back in 1975, I could tell no difference in 76 so I left. This was before Al Gore even could say internet. The Wac Tower is a fraud. You have to rebuild your engine. Reprogram your mind. You have the information age to assist you. What I can tell is life is meaningless. It only has the meaning you give it. Its like tofu, it takes on the taste and character of what you mix with it.

  • Narkissos

    Welcome noontide.

    Everyone with even a mild taste for introspection can question the motives of his/her decisions, actions and thoughts (because we only allow ourselves to think so much at any point of our lives) ad nauseam. The "cleanest" life stories often overlook a lot of ambiguous motives, and the "dirtiest" confessions of sin also leave out some positive aspects of the story. Life is never simple.

    Sometimes our "mind" speaks out, sometimes our "body" does. I believe it takes basically the same kind of "faith" to act on it and move on. From this perspective I find your story quite upbuilding.

    To venture a Jesus-Luther mix: "Go in peace and sin no more. Or sin bravely."

  • Sassy

    As others have already said.. Welcome.. I know you have been here a year, but we really haven't had a chance to get to know you.

    You know when I walked away from the hall.. I too did it thinking I was sentencing myself to death at Armegeddon.. and in a way I did it for sex too. I was put in a position where the man I divorced (for every very good reasons) could never give me my scriptural freedom.. so rather than never date again, I walked...

    but you know what? we were sold so much untruths.. we were so blind but had now clue.. Read CofC.. it really helped me put everything into prospective. Ray never stops caring about God.. He never stops calling him Jehovah. But to see from the inside things that were happening, is a real eye opener.. it really and I mean REALLY helped me...

  • AudeSapere

    I didn't get to read your entire post but think I understand what you are saying...

    I don't think you just 'lucked-out' by finding the truth about the truth. I think the org expects un-natural compliance to excessive and unrealistic expectations. You may have had a stronger sense of self (or rebellion) but were trying to be 'normal' by most human standards.

    I will come back later and read the full post and the responses.

    Welcome to JWD.

    -Denise. aka Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)

  • noontide

    Hey everyone thanks for your responses. You are right and I do try to live my life the best way possible. Honestly I don’t know if what I feel is guilt or something else. I see my family and they are so happy and blissful in their ignorance within the Org. that sometimes ignorance can seem like bliss. If it wasn’t for my libido I’d probably still be in, as ignorant as they are. But all of you are right, I now know the real truth and no matter how I found out, I can only move forward from here. And just to clarify one thing, I can and do remain monogamous when I am in a relationship. I’ve seen what other people go through when a partner is unfaithful and I never want to be in that position or cause someone that kind of pain. Again, thanks for your responses, I’ll make a copy of this thread and read it often when I begin to doubt myself.

  • Bobbi

    "I see my family and they are so happy and blissful in their ignorance within the Org."

    Are they really happy? You made everyone believe you were happy for years. You never know what is going on inside a person. They could be screaming inside.

    Use the guilt to provoke yourself to do what is right for you.

    I get a little turned on when my hubby and I do something a little "Naughty" and I thumb my nose at the GB and say to myself, "HHAHHAHAH you dirty old men".


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