Just to let you know

by Rethinking 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • free2think

    Good for you Rethinking.

  • sspo

    Good for you ......enjoy life

  • ferret

    Welcome Rethinking everyone here is able and ready to help you so stick around.

  • dobbie

    Well done Rethinking on a brave and wise decision! It won't be easy, there'll be good days and bad, but believe me i left last year and i'd do it again tomorrow. You'll be free to live your life exactly how you really want to without fear of being found out, spoken down to etc. And just remember we are always here to listen if you need to vent or talk, whatever.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Sounds like "Rethinking" has hit upon some "good thinking"! Congrats to you!

    Fav quote: "I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question."


  • exwitless

    Congratulations. Keep us posted on your progress.

    Exwitless - of the DA class.

  • BrentR

    The sooner you leave the fewer regrets you will have. It only gets better from here!

  • shell69

    I agree with Eliveleth;

    You are now in a world of people who will love unconditonally. This alone is PRICELESS and will be stark opposite of what you have beenprogrammed to be used to. This site and the people herein have all been there and fully understand.

    Congratulations on makingthe best decision you ever made. (((XHUGX)))

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Wise move "Rethinking".

    Let us know how you're enjoying "the real life". Right here. Right now.

    Open Mind

  • mouthy

    Hey that is great....It is so tough when we realize we were duped.... But NOW your free....To live more Abundently!!!!!!!

    I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question.">>>>>that is a good quote I will have to remember it

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