One more example......WBTS sells property owned by 90 year old after death

by restrangled 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    This may be covered some where in the archives here, but came across this today on the internet.

    90 year old Anna Bedford owner of one of the great camps of the Adirondacks (Preserve at Green Bay, 135 acres) dies and somehow the Society becomes the owner. They sell for 2.250 MILLION dollars in June of l988.

    See the bottom of page 2.


    So much money going in and out. Why isn't this disclosed to the Rank and File? So many are
    guilted into contributing when they have so little themselves.

    It would be interesting to find out how the Society became the owners of this property.

    Does anyone have background on this?


  • DannyHaszard

    Don't do what I did and squander your money on the false Jehovah's Witnesses cult.

    Danny Haszard gave all his money to the Watchtower building fund during my youth when I was making big bucks in the construction trade union.I did so because they lied to me that i would never need it for my retirement.Well I am 50 years old and I do need all my money back now that it's 2007 and the 'end of the world' is overdue.

    The Watchtower religious racket also got all my grandfather's and my father's savings.
    Get this! My elderly Grandfather Roger Haszard and MY Grandmother Ruth Haszard are living in Largo Florida usa circa 1987,(now deceased).
    We get an emergency conference call from my uncle Wallace on 'what are we going do do with our aging patriarch as they are becoming helpless and are in need of a part-time nurse'.
    My grandfather is busted as he gave all his assets to the Watchtower and his estate is all going to the Watchtower when they die.There is no emergency cash to free up so the family now has pitch in to pay for their care.

    The Watchtower has occasional hypocritical articles on caring for our elderly,they don't reveal how countless family's get into this bind on account of their wicked advice.

    The Watchtower lies and people die!

  • Cindi_67

    Well, the only way the Society became the owner of the property is that this lady put in on her will that she was giving out the property as an inheritance to the Society. After the Society becomes the owner then they dispose it however they want, if there isn't a family member that will dispute it. In any case if it was on her will it's theirs. What makes me wonder is that this lady probably left it for the Society, thinking that it was going to be put to good use, a Kingdom Hall or something like that, not that they would sell it. Who knows, maybe she thought that when she got resurrected she will be able to have her place back, I don't mean it in a disrespectful way. She was 90 years old, and those things cross their minds.

    That is what it's irritating about this, that her sole purpose was for them to use it in a good way, but not to go out and immediately sell it. That is disrespectful, if that is what really happened.

  • jaguarbass

    Most people in this world are trying to avoid physical labor. They say if you can figure out how to get everybody to give you a dollar youll be rich. Religious leaders have figured out how to do that.

  • Mum

    Yes, just think of it - child molestation settlements being paid for by your grandmother's blood. That's the real blood issue!

  • Gopher

    The above link contains information from the 12/1/87 Watchtower article "Is Your Giving a Sacrifice?"

    Here's part of that article:

    • GIFTS: Voluntary donations of money may be sent directly to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201, or to the Society’s local branch office. Property such as real estate, as well as jewelry or other valuables, can also be donated. A brief letter stating that such is an outright donation should accompany these contributions.
  • restrangled

    Yes Danny, I wonder how many heirs were left out of the mix, and if it was her husband who willed it to the Society, and she was allowed to live their until she died. If you look up the Adirondacks, it is some of the most valuable property in the US. The estate was huge! It contained 8 bedrooms, many fireplaces and it existed on one of the prime areas of the Adirondacks.

    My other question is, why is the rank and file is not let in on these sales in detail. They are the ones supporting the corporation or corporations. Certainly each congregation should receive a financial statement detailing real estate, stock, insurance sales and purchases.

    It's much like a Condominium Community. Each month you contribute, but you get a detailed financial report to understand where your monthly contribution is being spent. (It is very detailed), and anyone can request further details if they have more concerns.


  • Dragonlady76

    They ask for anything of value as a donation, it's obvious their intent is to sell it for cash, what the hell would the watchtower do with my Rolex or my Yurmans? I doubt they give them out as retirement gifts.

  • LongHairGal


    They are laughing all the way to the bank while the stupid and gullible rank and file JWs are denying themselves. The idea that well-meaning people are doing this for a religious organization that has no provisions for the poor makes me positively ill!


    You are right about how most people will do anything not to work and how religious leaders have figured this out. You have to add one more thing to that: they want you to support them and they want to be worshipped as well! When I was active in the religion I was appalled at certain ones who were always trying to take advantage of others there. I was always running from a con artist or two over the years.

    I hate all religion and I would like to see them gone.


  • Scully

    When I get old and decrepit enough to start wearing Depends, I'm going to save up the used ones and bequeath them to the WTS. I figure after all the $h!t they fed me for 25 years deserves to be repaid in kind.

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