Public talk cut down to 30 minutes

by katiekitten 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    Has anyone else heard this? (apologies if this has already been discussed)

    My inactive mum has an active JW friend with an elder husband. This friend e-mailed my mum last week and among other chit chat told her the public talk was being cut down to 30 minutes in order to accomodate congs where lots shared one hall.

    Is this just local (UK - South West) or a global thing?

    What are they gonna do with the spare 30 minutes? Teach surivalism? (how to make fire from twigs and live off berries and hedgerow plants??)

  • Pubsinger


    It's true . . .you should come here more often


  • iamfreenow

    Yes it is true, and it's global as far as I know.

    Apparently the 15 minutes they are cutting off the current legth of the Public talk is for "association and ministry", and all this starts in January

  • heathen

    Ohh jeeze , I don't know what's worse that long boring ride thru scripture or that incessant yapping after the meetings .

  • eclipse

    I personally think it is a ploy to keep the R&F happy.

    My JW family is overjoyed at this news.

    They think that it means that their religion is so progressive and so loving,


    Very smart of the society to do this, as it providdes some relief of the burden that they place on the R&F.

  • Mary

    I've said for years that the public talk should be 1/2 an hour and the Craptower study should be 1/2 an hour: 1 hour in total. Two hours is just too long (not to mention, boring) and by the end, everyone's half asleep. Their next step should be reducing Thursday night meetings to 1 hour as well. If this is being done to accomodate multiple congregations who use the same KH, then this would be a logical step to take.

    Of course the R&F are estatic over this change. Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, two frigging hours on Sunday is just way too much........

  • stillajwexelder
  • heathen

    Well the next logical move to get new members is to have a kegger .... LOL They say it worked for the colonial army during the revolution .. a brilliant move ...........

  • Nosferatu

    Wow, that's really fantastic news for those on here who still attend meetings! 15 more minutes away from the KH.

    But I digress. They could make things a whole lot better by forfeiting the WTS alltogether.

  • katiekitten

    But WHY? Why do they say they are doing it, and why are they really doing it?

    My mum reckons its because they want to wean the R&F off being so dependent on the society (sigh - shes so naieve)

    I reckon its because they have run out of things to say.

    Theres probably some tax deductible reason behind it!

    And yes, Pubsinger, I should come here more often!

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