by Mary 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    Seriously, you step in pile of dog crap and you want to go rooting around in it for the piece of bubblegum that you dropped the day before? I don't THINK so!

    I know....that's what I don't get. She KNOWS alot of it is crap (and that is a direct quote from her on several occassions----even when she hasn't been drinking!). I've often asked her how she can possibly go knocking on peoples' doors telling them of a 'hope' that she doesn't believe is even coming in her life time. Or how can she promote the 1914 doctrine when she doesn't believe it herself?! I've never gotten a straight answer....only a vague 'Well, they still offer a hope and no other religion is preaching like we do'.

    While she's more liberal minded than the average Witness, it's still very frustrating.

  • skeeter1


    Go, Mary, Go!


  • Carmel
    Carmel other religion is preaching like we do.... THANK GOD!! carmel

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Hi Mary

    you're lucky you CAN talk to you sis in that way. Half the frustration is NOT being able to express honest opinions.
    It might be to your advantage that she doesn't believe alot of the BS.

    What if you brought up the 8 points of mind control instead to see if she can see any relationship to the WT. So many points are applicable - she might fair worse with those bells going off every time she experiences another tug on the leash - ESPECIALLY with the Sept KM coming up.

    explain WHY bad beliefs don't die.

    if she's even a tiny bit proud of her own intelligence - she might take off the rose coloured glasses.


  • ex-nj-jw


    Give her the CD's, how can anyone that see's this stay in this vile organization? Take it slow until you can see the CD's for yourself.

    I had to take a break from reading them because I just need a break, it's crazy I'm sorry I'm ranting. I hope all goes well for you and your sister. Don't do anything until you get your CD's!



  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I've never gotten a straight answer....only a vague 'Well, they still offer a hope and no other religion is preaching like we do'.

    AH - the last straw. Seems like all Jw's have the same one. She is terrified to let go of her lifeline. So was I. I did eventually. So will she. You are a good sister.

    I think ex-nj-jw is dead on. Get the Cd first. If a religion's refusal to deal with the rape of children is not enough - what the hell hope is there for her?


  • B_Deserter

    You should also mention to her that the context of every scripture the dubs use to justify the "preaching" work refer ONLY to the apostles. Jesus was speaking to only the twelve at Matthew 24:14 and 28:19,20. The scripture in Acts where it talks about preaching publicly and house to house is only referring to the Apostles. It is clear from the scriptures that not ALL Christians engaged in a public ministry, only THOSE WHO WERE COMMISSIONED--the apostles and those they invited--did so. It was missionary work to start new congregations, and there is no biblical evidence that the early Christian laity preached house to house in their own neighborhoods.

  • B_Deserter

    "Well, they still offer a hope and no other religion is preaching like we do"

    Carl Sagan once said, "it is far better to know the truth about the universe than to persist in a delusion, no matter how comforting."

  • bebu

    It's a good thing that she has committed to leaving if there is the chance that the WTS is not true. Maybe you should summarize it again before you say more: that she has just said that she is committed to following GOD/Truth no matter what... even if it might lead her away from the WTS. Point blank, ask her if she sees God pointing one direction and the WTS the other, ask which one she is most dedicated to serving. That might help her see the issue once the fork in the road (hopefully) gets clearer.

    I also have always been partial to the quotes of the leaders of the WTS at the Scotland trial, where they admitted under oath that it was beholden upon JWs to have UNITY at any cost--even at the cost of the JWs following an admitted false prophet! AND that if a JW did NOT follow their lead after understanding them to have given false prophecy... that JW would be considered worthy of death. How convoluted is that??! I can't think of any defense for this. It is utterly indefensible. It completely overwhelms the "pro" reasons she can come up with, such as "preaching work". (And besides, surely she must know about some of the different evangelical methods for reaching others such as the Jesus Film!)

    Good luck!!!!


  • changeling

    Good job Mary! Did you tell her about the UN?


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