by fedorE 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fedorE

    Appreciate everyones responses. ...Thanks for putting up with my question and for your time. and allowing me to learn from you jesus name

    Its funny ..someone once said " I WOULD RATHER THAT I DID BELIEVE IN GOD WHILE I WAS ALIVE, THEN DIE, AND FIND OUT THAT I SHOULD HAVE, BUT DIDN'T"....snicker...well .Do we have a "god part of the brain" which makes us spiritual seekers? I dont know.Does Fear and Curiosity show that as evolutionary creatures we have the inate qualities of animals and death is just as much to be accepted as is the LIFE we were lucky to have been a product of from our origins on this evolutionary planet?. The #1 question humans have is likely, What happens after you die?. WHY DO WE QUESTION OUR EXISTENCE IF WE INATELY ALREADY KNOW OUR EVENTUALITY? or We already know were going to die so why do we wonder about it? Shouldnt we humans having been the product of evolution ,all of us. display our evolutionary attributes, whatever they are..and NOT "all things RELIGIOUS whch is what we have until today? Evolution doesnt say humans wouldnt question anything, but why cling to Religion and GOD ,isnt it more natural for evolutionary man to be ATHIEST, agnostic, sun worshippers, or, at the very least, very few faith based lives instead of the majority of humans showing a spiritual or religious side to themselves?
    Do I believe in the God of the Bible-uhmmhumFmUmmmCmmmeeeeeeeKerrrrrrrrggggrr.NO. But it doesnt hurt to ask.
    Do i believe in a "Higher Power"- Not entirely. But it doesn't hurt to ask( since the possibility exists that "he" may have just left the area, leaving me abadoned to wonder my eventuality and likes to F**K-with us)
    Do I believe that God could use evolution to bring about the human race? Yes, the possiblity exists inasmuch as a flying humanoids (now available on youtube btw)
    Do i believe that the laws governing our universe can be viewed as "GOD"? Its possible.
    Do i believe that there is intelligent life in the universe? YES and i have a gut feeling all the ppl throughout history, until now, that have seen "disks" and witnessed strange celestial anomilies have perhaps been seeing the "intelligent life" that may be responsible for our existence. Who knows, but its something which has been seen with human eyes and keeps happening. (MOST convincing are the 100's of current and former military ranks ( waiting to obtain clearance to speak about what they know)

    Its been a long time since ive thought about this stuff and my beliefs tend to drift from here to there, so im just glad to be able to ask former JWs what they think...and thanks Littledrummerboy (and rest) for def of athiesm and agnostic.......i think im still agnostic leaning towards sciencefiction...

  • steve2

    In my opinion, agnosticism makes the most sense because there is just so much we humans do not know. I like the analogy of fish in the ocean trying to fathom out what life on land is like: Whatever the fish conclude, it's completely foreign and all too speculative. It's not that humans shouldn't speculate; more that we should acknowledge when we do.

    Sometimes people try to "beef up' their assertions by making definite and overly confident statements - as if language can improve argmuents one way or the other.

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy

    Excellent things to think about.

    That humans believe in the supernatural goes without saying.

    Look around at every culture. Gods abound, whether it is Mother Earth, Allah, Jehoobee, or the little wooden totem I carved while sitting in my hut (OK, I didn't really do that, but know what I mean). There is no doubt that we humans love our gods. Dogs don't worship gods, cats also do not. Neither do whales or monkeys or anything else. Just humans. Why?

    Are we wired to believe in God by God?

    Or are we wired to believe in God because we are sentient - self aware.

    Does ability to believe in the supernatural go hand in hand with ability to wonder about the universe, to build, to dream?

    Did God create us? Or did we create God?

    I think the later, but I have not always felt so.

    Very interesting things to think about though.

  • fedorE

    Recently in the Al Sharpton vs Christopher Hutchens debate an audience member asked Hutchens "if 95% of humans on earth believe in God and only 5% dont" "how does he account for the disparity"? WOW... this struck a nerve! Hitchens respose was, "What a stupid question!" .(audience clapping)........if you like your toy, play with your toy, but dont bring your toy over to my house and tell me i have to play with your toy..."

    I really like the toy connection. It fits but he never answered the question. Because the question begs an answer but there isnt one if your Atheist and not willing to give an inch..Which is what i find with athiesm. Very stubborn! I have always been open minded about things, maybe God doesnt exist, but"doesnt hurt" to ask and search.(Michael Shermer is a very very smart guy..1000X smarter than I am but as stubborn as gay donkey brought to mate with a bitch.)

  • 5go

    First are you one.

    Agnostic believe that there is no way to know if the divine exist or not. I think there is a way so I am a Judeo Christian Muslim Athiest. Because I think the bible is wrong begining to finish. Does not eliminate the possiblities of dieties but, I have not seen proof to convince me they exist yet much like inteligent alien life. So, I don't believe they exist right now. Also I hope I am wrong.

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy

    Interesting, fedorE, but I think that falls under a category called "argument by number". I can't remember exactly what it is called (I'm not a debater by any means ), but I think that is the name of it. Basically, it just means that, just because a large number of people think something is correct, doen't make it so. It also doesn't make it not so, it is just that it isn't a valid position to argue from.

    For instance, many, many people have (and still do) thought that black cats are evil. Just because many people have felt that way over the years doesn't make it true. Although, come to think of it, our black cat is kinda more evil than the other ones. Hah!

    I wish I knew the answers!

    Oh well, the journey to find out is kinda fun though too.

  • greendawn

    In my opinion the complexity of all the things we see around us inevitably imply the existence of an intelligent creator, the evolutionists say they could come about by chance and they did but to me that explanation doesn't make sense, the chances of that occuring are riculously minute. So I am not an agnostic but a theist.

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy
    the evolutionists say they could come about by chance

    I'm an evolutionist, and I don't say that.

    In fact, I don't know any who do.

    Or did you mean Abiogenesis?

    Different subject entirely.

  • fedorE

    Greendawn "In my opinion the complexity of all the things we see around us inevitably imply the existence of an intelligent creator, the evolutionists say they could come about by chance and they did but to me that explanation doesn't make sense, the chances of that occuring are riculously minute. So I am not an agnostic but a theist." I USED TO THINK THAT ALSO BUT GUESS WHAT I WAS wrong. Its not that everything got thrown together and Holy Shit we got life folks! (nononononono.!..(Perhaps you already are aware of this i dont wana insult your intelligence) but..scientists are telling us ,all the chemicals needed to create life on this planet were on hand, already. All the gases, chemicals, ect..... and just as planets come into formation (WHICH IS HAPPENING NOW AS WE SPEAK) so all the necessary ingredients for what would be the product of such a receipe, which just so happens to be you and me, came together at the right time and over a vast period of time(eons?) IT happens all the time with the creation of planets, and what we see are dead planets with improper gravity fields or incorrect orbits, lacking a moon or whatever, they cannot sustain the correct or appropriate conditions to bring about a form of LIFE. Planets are not concious they are bringing about life, but it is the result of all the combination of ingredients when they DO actually happen to come together. Its just an extraordinary occurance. Our planet just so happens to have had the amazing chance of being in the one in our corner of the Milky Way to HIT THE F****NG Jacpot!

  • fedorE

    Oh yeah i forgot to say that the scientists could be totally wrong and its a superior species using us as a lab experiment.

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