Ever been completely embarrassed by the householder in field service?

by fedorE 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freeme

    mmh... i cant recall a really embarassing moment. maybe when i was doing my first real steps on my own preaching and being unexperienced... but i never found someone in service who gave me the impression to be more educated in bible topics than me.

    100 posts! ;D

  • B_Deserter

    Every time I tried to use the presentations in the Kingdom Ministries or the Reasoning Book. For some reason, the responses I got in the real world were far different than what the Watchtower fantasy camp prepared me for.

  • SnakesInTheTower
    Ever been completely embarrassed by the householder in field service?

    Not anymore.

    Snakes ()

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Not really ... I was embarrassed by simply BEING out in field service.

  • flipper

    Yes I was. When I was about 25 me and another brother knocked on this door and you could see a stairway through the window. This lady about 30, and attractive comes down the stairway naked in nothing but her skin looks at us and shakes her hands and goes Ohhh!!!!. She turns around and runs back upstairs. I think she had been waiting for someone else.The brother with me asked," Hey Mr. Flipper , what do we do? " I said," Well this woman needs the good news too!" So I proceeded to knock again hoping to get another look. Thought maybe she'd put her clothes on a second chance, didn't know for sure though. Needless to say she didn't answer the door when we knocked again! Damn perverted young men!! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Gregor

    Happened more than once. The householder stands there and listens to your idiotic opening line "what do you feel is the biggest problem facing the world today?" or "do think there will ever be peace in the world?" then they slowly close the door in your face while holding eye contact.

  • Honesty

    Of course.

    Most of them know walkin' BS when they see it.

  • Honesty

    One time a man greeted us when he opened the door by saying, "I have a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus. I have the Holy Spirit. He guides, disciplines, comforts and teaches me. I have the absolute promise from God's Word that I HAVE eternal life.

    Is there anything your group can give me to add to or enhance that which I already have?

  • Gregor

    Is there anything your group can give me to add to or enhance that which I already have?

    The proper rebuttal would be "well....you ain't got shit if you ain't got JayHoover!"

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    most embarrassing - yup going from door to door with a 15 year old girl - man comes to the door with a towel - just a towel. It was her door but I stepped and moved her behind me.

    I wanted this over quick but he wanted us to come in and as he turned he removed the towel and suggested we go sit in the living room whil ehe went to put something on. I closed the door and we left.

    The weirdest? Montreal has homes called duplexes. The building has one apartment on each floor - most often two floors but sometimes 3. To reach the person on the upper floor you ring the bell outside and wait for the person to buzz you in. When you open the door there is a flight of stairs. Most often the person stays on the second floor and you are giving your sales pitch from the bottom,

    One day we rang a bell and got buzzed in. So we opened the door and stepped in just far enough to close the door so we wouldn't let the cold air in. The pitch had something to do with what happenes to us after we die.

    Well the lady in the mumu holding a cat informed us she knew exactly what would happen to her. She told us to turn around and look at the door we had just closed. We turned to look at the back of the door and there was a poster of a huge cat. She informed us that sincve she was coming back as a cat she had no need for whatever we were selling M-E-O-W

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