Peru, bad earthquake. Hawaii, having a VERY bad day.

by horrible life 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Peru had a 7.9 earthquake, about an hour ago.

    Utah had another tremor, where the miners are today.

    Hawaii. Early this morning.

    1. Gonna get hit by hurricane today.

    2. Oh, but first, lets survive this earthquake, that strikes. Damn, at least we were warned about the hurricane.

    3. Just great!!!! Now, an earthquake hits Peru, and they are telling us to be on the watch for a tsunami.


  • ex-nj-jw



  • ex-nj-jw

    I'm sorry horrible life, that was very insensitive of me!

    (((((((((((((((((((((((horrible life))))))))))))))))))))))


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Hell, ex-nj-jw, I don't live in Hawaii. I'm just thinking, "Damn, talk about having a bad day!!"

    But I do live in SE Oklahoma. Word is, that it got to 105+ degrees F, today. I work in Air Cond. and I still couldn't cool off. But still better than Hawaii.

    Reminds me of a song. 'Having a bad day" Who sings it??

  • ex-nj-jw

    LOL, not sure who sings it horrible life. But I can relate to 105 degree weather. We had 3 days of it last week with a heat index of 110 - those kind of temps plus menopause, whew!!!!

    My poor husband and boys........................


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    MENOPAUSE Now there is a subject. I have been late the last 3 days to work. I dry my hair, bending over, so it is all pouffy. Then I get my curling brush, and start to just style it lightly. All of the sudden, my head is so wet, I am dripping with sweat. I feel like getting back in the shower. YUK. My hair is matted to my head. Forget about combing it. It would look AWFUL!!! I just get into the car, drive 25 minutes, with the AC going full blast, arrive at work, with matted flat hair, and act like I did it on purpose. Damn, I have no class.

    I was sweating all day at work. I admitted today, I am going through menopause. I have to be!!!

    I bought a Vornado fan. Cost me $50.00, for a small one. Worth every penny. Not an ordinary fan. Much cooler.

  • ex-nj-jw
    I bought a Vornado fan. Cost me $50.00, for a small one. Worth every penny. Not an ordinary fan. Much cooler.

    I know I have one


  • RisingEagle

    "Reminds me of a song. 'Having a bad day' Who sings it? "

    Daniel Powter

    Good 'Ol Oklahoma in August, gotta love it. I had to install a window unit air conditioner because the central A/C in this old house can't keep up with the temp. I just wish all that rain we had earlier in the year was spread out more over the months, it would really cool things off right about now.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Rising Eagle

    "Reminds me of a song. 'Having a bad day' Who sings it? "

    Daniel Powter

    Thank you Eagle. I am going to get child to put it on her ipod, that I bought her, and keep stocked with my money. Hope she lets me, violate her ipod, with my oldie songs. She said they may corrupt her rap songs she likes so much. I told her, I might like the rap songs too, if I could understand more than a couple of words.

    Good to have another Oklahoman on the board. Welcome!! I'm a huge OU fan. I bleed red, not orange.

  • Warlock

    You could wake up in either Hawaii, Peru, or Utah.


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