i've been hurt by a witness

by tenderheart 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    You are seeing what's behind the thin veneer the JWs want to display, the ugly, judgmental, and suspicious mind. That should tell you a lot about what's in store for you should you continue with your association with them.

  • rekless

    Get a restraining order against her. If you live in the USA

    Get a stay away order against her. If you live in the USA

    I guess every country has the same equivalency to the above legal documents.

    If you can afford it get a lawyer and sue her for defimation of character.

    Probally best of; all if you see her coming, cross the street. Ignore her and shunn her.

    You don't have to put up with her B S, just walk away. If she follows you approach a police officer and tell him, That woman there is bothering me I have ask her to leave me alone and she won't.

  • IndependantThinker

    I'd also suggest calling the congregation she attends and letting the Body of Elders know of her conduct.

  • changeling

    Who is this person? Is she related to you?


  • carla

    That may be only a small sampling of what you will get if you stay involved with the jw's. Get a new set of friends and aquaintances, you will find life is much better without these judgemental gossipy cult members.

  • avishai

    Do they have slander/defamation of character/alienation of affection/slander lawsuits where you are?

  • tenderheart

    hi, you are all so kind i'm overwelmed by the big response thank you, it's so nice not to feel so isolated allthough i have very lovely family the are not close by, and i do not like to burden them .

    i felt sorry for this freind she has such a sad and awfull childhood, i tended to overlook bad behavior, i thought if i showed her

    kindness it would show her how to be nicer, but really if i gave her what she wanted and did what she wanted, she could be really sweet, i'm quite shy, she's really chatty and out going, towards the end though i could see her for what she was and was trying to break away from her a bit, and not have so much to do with her, i think it was this that caused such a severe outburst when we fell out, this woman does suffer from depression, and she's not young, i would not like to do any thing to make her more angry, i worry about my children they are teenagers i thank God they are really good and sensible, i do not want to make this family any worse towards us, and thankfully apart from their 10 year old, telling younger kids in the street to call my children names, they seem to be leaving us alone.

  • sweetface2233

    Although JWs think they are superior to the rest of humankind, they are still human. I've been hurt, manipulated, fooled, deceived, taken for granted, and used by people of many races and religions. I wouldn't keep studying if I were you, but that has more to do w/ it being a false religion than her behavior. So sorry that you and your children have to deal w/ this.

  • whyizit
  • whyizit

    Keep records of harrassment, letters, recordings. Get a restraining order! And have your ex-husband see an attorney about slapping her with a defamation of character suit! Or do it yourself on behalf of your minor children. That has to be hugely horrific for them to have to deal with!

    She's a nut. She sounds like if she has a brain, she could be dangerous, so don't take any chances.

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