i've been hurt by a witness

by tenderheart 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • tenderheart

    a jehovahs witness has destroyed my marriage and reputation , she told my husband horrible things about me and told him,

    he's young he should leave me and find some one else, she told every one that would listen that my childrens farther is a peadophile,

    he's never even been to court, so people in the area shun me and my children, she's judgemental she gossips, she's bullied me and my children for years, she's very demanding and is aways after some thing, i fell out with her because i was very depressed and could not cope with her, she's called me terrible things in the street her family have terrorised me and my family in our home, my children have been victimised and accused of horrible things, when i was really depressed she told me i had done nothing for her thats why she is being horrible to me, not one week went by in twenty years when she did'nt ask for some thing, i said no once to her she wanted £80.00 just after the birth of my daughter, she started a row and did not speak to me for 5 years, i'm really hurt as this woman was really hard to cope with she often upset me and i always made excuses for her, turned the other cheek and she turned on me and my children over some thing that should have been sorted out with kindness, i'm so sad i don't know how to stop hurting.

  • poppers

    I'm sorry for the situation you are in. Keep posting here; there are lots of great people who can give you adivice and support.

  • BizzyBee

    I sense that there is more to your story. Are you a Jehovah's Witness?

  • free2think

    Im sorry your feeling so hurt by your so-called friend.

    I was just wondering are you an active jehovahs witness?


  • quietlyleaving

    I'm so sorry tenderheart - my heart goes out to you and your children

  • ex-nj-jw


    Please tell us more of your story when you are ready! This religion has hurt many people almost everyone here is trying to recover from what the JW religon has done.


  • Mum

    Your story is a bit confusing. Is your husband the same person as the father of your children? Is this person maligning two men or just one?

    Why are you giving her what she demands over a period of 20 years if she is so horrible to you? Is that what you stated?

    If she is stalking you and verbally attacking you in public, you should take legal action.

    Welcome to the forum,


  • tenderheart

    i am having bible studies in my home once a week with a witness, the person who has been horrible to me is a baptised witness and i cannot believe she has been so cruel , i went to see her feeling depressed and used as her daughter had lied to me and manipulated me, i'd been crying , i thought my freind would be kind and help me to feel better, i was so shocked she treated me like a liar and a trouble maker, i've always been kind to her, never called her names and always been polite and helpfull, her daughter has been a nightmare up untill the last couple of years, lying, stealing, swearing at, even hitting her mother.

  • KW13

    Sadly there is no real solution without sinking as low as her which judging from your post - your a good person with a good heart. I wish you all the best, i am truly sorry for your situation.

  • tenderheart

    i'm not being stalked, just horrible gossip, they leave us alone but it's horrible and lonley, i split from the childrens farther and remarried.

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