We just moved house...

by winnie 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • winnie

    ...and now live (joy of joys!) next door to local elder, who just happens to be my husbands sisters father-in-law! (and was one of the 3 on commitee for our voluntary dissassociation).

    This will now make life interesting.

    Already they refuse to come out the front yard, and if we 'happen' to go out front when they are there, they run inside! Just today I was pulling into driveway and their son (30+y/o) had the garden hose ready to water the garden. Soon as he saw me, the garden hose went back on the reel and he was inside before I got out of the car!!!

    LOL...it's amazing how we have affected their life already, and it's only been 1 week! (and their garden is starting to need a water real bad!)

  • ex-nj-jw

    I'd stay outside as much as possible . Have some fun with it, you can drive them crazy!!


  • Gregor

    This is great. They could have taken the approach that they would just be normal neighbors, maybe an occasional nod or wave. This would not compromise their stand towards you and would make the situation much less stressful to themselves. But since they have chosen to be childish they now have to live with it every day. Just wait until the postman gets the mail screwed up and you go knock on their door!

  • greendawn

    It's the sick indoctrination, anything that doesn't come from the WTS is from satan they are afraid in case they hear anything bad about their religion from you, people they believe have gone over to satan after abandoning their jehovah.

  • KW13

    lmao, i'd knock on the door and invite them to a BBQ.

  • Mum

    Wouldn't it be fun to have a block party? Do you have block parties over there? Here in the states, an entire block on a street will sometimes plan festivities for all of the neighbors on a particular segment of a street. There is outdoor music, games and activities for young and old and in-between, and everyone brings food. They would probably find a reason to be away on that day.

    Anyway, how does it feel to have so much power? I don't want power over others, but if they give it to you, have some fun with it.



  • changeling

    Don't let them "crimp your style". Continue life as normal, if they can't handle it, they can move.


  • Bobbi

    LMAO, Time to get some really loud wind chimes and a whole bunch of demonic looking lawn gnomes.


  • Paralipomenon

    Hosting an apostafest anytime soon? :D

  • restrangled

    Winnie, your story had me laughing out loud....

    What fun you can have, decorate to the hilt on every holiday and just for fun throw in a tacky virgin Mary statue that can be left up year around visible to them! Maybe between your side yards?

    Enjoy yourself before you see the for sale sign.


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