My Cats new Litter Box

by OUTLAW 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • ex-nj-jw

    Outlaw - LMAO

    I wish they were around when I had a cat, dumping the kitty box was the worst job in the house!!


  • sweetface2233

    I had one of those once, but the ex got custody of it in the divorce along w/ one of the cats and our digital camera. I contemplated getting another for my little girl, but I was totally broke when I moved out. Although that was close to 4 years ago, I got used to the old fashioned method, again. Maybe I could get one for Christmas...hint, hint, hint!

  • Scully
    I read that women who have been exposed to cat feces before pregnancy are at a much lower risk of developing Toxoplasmosis. Sorry I don't know how to do the linky thingy. Not as scary or as dangerous as you think. Just take some precautions and you'll be fine.

    Actually, Bobbi, toxoplasmosis is generally not a huge problem for otherwise healthy adults. The concern of toxoplasmosis in pregnancy is to the fetus. It is a significant risk to the baby. It can cause permanent brain damage with effects similar to cerebral palsy to unborn babies. I've seen this outcome with my own eyes.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    My kitty peed 3 times anywhere other than in the litter box yesterday - the box had nothing in but the litter.

    Today, kitty is outdoors...

  • Gregor

    We had one when we had a cat. Wouldn't be without one if we had another cat. Nothing I hated worse than sorting out the Tootsie rolls with a slotted spoon.

  • hillary_step

    Hello Outlaw,

    Don't you worry about your cat in the great outdoors?

    Mine had a fight with a racoon a couple of years ago and got its ear nipped. I found two great handfuls of its fur at the battle site. It was lucky to have survived.

    Where you are, even the eagles would have fun scooping (forgive the analogy) a cat.


  • restrangled

    Have you seen the latest model that washes and dries the litter after it scoops everything out? There is a little septic/chemical system that breaks everything down and drains it into your own toilet.

    Looks pretty remarkable!


  • Bobbi

    Scully, I am not saying it is not a concern, I just don't want to spread hysteria. When I was pregnant with my first baby, I was told to get rid of my cats. There are always going to be worse case outcomes.

    So ACTUALLY Scully, I was encouraging people to research not react.

    Bobbi(very careful mother of three healthy boys and two cats)

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    A few years ago I got one of those Electric litter boxes that rakes the shit out, FREAKED out my cat and was afraid of his litter box after that, sold it in a yard sale later that month.

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Very funny thread - for the most part.
    I have two cats now and they both go outside to play, chase things, sit and mope etc. Then when I think they've had enough time to take care of business and let them in, where do you think they RUN to? Yep, straight to the litter box. The little one is about 3 months old and likes to scatter the litter all over the house as he slides on the tile. He is finally getting a little better though.

    I don't think I want one of those new fangled kitty rocket ship litter boxes though. To them it'd be like an amusement park ride.

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