Unnecessary Remodels

by choosing life 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free
    And there's no provisions for the poor, even in affluent countries.

    Exactly. The poorest congregation I was in had several single mom's who had to go to "worldly" food banks to feed themselves and their children. Yet the congregation was able to team up with a few other congregations and build a new 3 hall complex that cost several million dollars.

    Naturally, these poor single moms were asked to donate food for the construction workers just like everyone else.


  • Dagney

    I agree.

    In my experience, for some reason, certain halls were remodeling unnecessarily. I think it is fine to "freshen up" and replace things, especially carpet or tile that receives a beating. But there are some "remodels" that I have seen that are just crazy. You know now that I am thinking about it...I know the elder's wives there, I'm thinking they may have something to do with it.) And some halls...nothing, and for no reason.

    I do think it is a money shuffle. Volunteer work that the congo pays interest on the construction job.

    I'm thinking also, it is another way to keep the R & F even busier. I was at a JW gathering a few weeks ago and the was much talk and bustling around the RBC projects.

    Kind of like "Habitat for Humanity," without the humanity.

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