PO was begging for dollars at KN school tonight!

by MinisterAmos 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MinisterAmos

    One of the worst cases of intimidation I have ever heard. "You DO want to maintain Jehovah's HOUSE don't you"?

    "We can't keep Jehovah's house in order if we cannot keep up with rising prices"

    OK great; first of all I can find half a dozen scriptures that specifically state that Jehovah doesn't live in a man-made building, but that's beside the point.

    The congo has a bank balance of $17,000 PLUS over $20K more on loan to the WTS. The congo ends each month with positive cash flow.

    How greedy are these bastards that they feel the need to squeeze more from people who are literally just barely hanging on when anyone can see that there is enough cash on hand for any eventuality?

    I am really beginning to hate these farkers.

    Oh this Saturday we have a "special day" planned. We are going to the furthest corners of the territory to work the mountain-men. We were advised to bring food, water and toilet paper as facilities are not available.


  • nvrgnbk

    I don't know how you can sit still for that mess.

  • MinisterAmos

    It's my low self-esteem I guess?

    NAAAAAH! This is better than watching cartoons man! You couldn't make this crap up even if you tried! I DID tell an MS "friend" that I wouldn't be able to go this weekend because I had a job interview in Baghdad.

    I just live to goof on these folks.

  • PEC

    Have fun Saturday, I will have a beer in your honor at the SoCal ApostaQ.

    Philip (of the 75 posts to jedi class.)

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear MisterAmos,

    I feel sorry for you!! Oh the things we have to endure!! I would bet my last dollar on the fact that the reason for the begging of more funds is..all the child abuse lawsuits, which will suck the life right out of the "mother" organization if they don't get "more funds"! They need more of your money to pay the poor victims! That is where all those donations will be heading you can be sure!

    And if I were a fly on the wall in Brooklyn, I am sure I would find that the reason for all the WT real estate sales is for this very reason. Just a hunch...


    Lady Liberty

  • Arthur

    I would have raised my hand and suggested that we begin selling flowers and chocolates at the bus station like the Moonies used to do.

  • bigdreaux

    arthur, that was awesome. hahahahahahahahaaa

    i wonder if the donation arrangement will go away soon, and they will ask straight up for money for the magazines.

  • Arthur
    i wonder if the donation arrangement will go away soon, and they will ask straight up for money for the magazines.

    Probably not. That means that they would have to begin paying sales tax on the sales of any literature (at least here in the state of CA).

  • Highlander

    Couldn't they use a 'suggested donation' arrangement for each kingdom hall. Meaning that each congregation has a suggested donation price based on the amount of magazines that are ordered. This would be easier to keep on the down low as opposed to asking for a 'suggested donation' from each publisher as they get their mags. They could mention it in the accounts report as simply a donation to the society for the world wide work, alongside the other expenses the congo is responsible for. Ofcourse this type of concept would probably be an illegal tax evasion.

  • SirNose586
    The congo has a bank balance of $17,000 PLUS over $20K more on loan to the WTS. The congo ends each month with positive cash flow.

    For all the faults the local BOE has, at least money grubbing isn't one of them. We've had a pretty low congregation fund amount for quite some time. For many months, they wouldn't even read the accounts report!

    When they did, it would be at 1k or less...

    I went to a congregation with older people in it, and their balance was around 10k! I thought, "Damn, those old people are stinkin' wealthy."

    Really, it was just that everyone in my hall was stinkin' poor, and proud to be on the dole or proud to WANT to be on the dole.

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