Comments You Will not Hear will be taking a brief hiatus for the next 2 wks

by blondie 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Blondie - sometimes on Saturday night I'll ask Clyde if he wants to study his WT lesson for Sunday (we never go). He says, "OK, bring up Blondie." He has actually asked me to read the lesson to him (the Blondie version). We make our own comments and have our own laughs.

    I agree it's probably a good idea to make it shorter. It will be easier to get through and that way we can do it more often. We both appreciate the good work you are doing.

    Love, Bonnie

  • bobld

    Thanks,for your hard work.I'll miss your reviews.You know the Bible way better than those mind control freaks at WTS-HQ.Take care and have a good rest.God bless


  • insearchoftruth


    Thanks so very much, reading your reviews helped me learn to see between the lines of what was written vice the real truth. You have done a wonderful job of educating many of us who originally did not have any exposure to the WTS, showing us the dangers of something that as taken at face value does not appear to be dangerous at all. I do not have a chance to post often to this board, but you deserve the break and deserve more thanks than I could ever bestow!!


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    Although I usually don't post on that thread, I ALWAYS read your review. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and I hope you enjoy your break. I can understand how exhausting doing that must be because I used to review the WT and using some of your ideas made lots of notes as well as looked up other things. But now, I just can't do it without getting disgusted and depressed.

  • stillajwexelder

    You are obviously obeying the counsel in the recent letter for the conductor to comment less and allow more comments from the audience especially those that do not comment as often

  • greendawn

    You have already contributed immensely in the anti WTS war effort up to the present time and if from now on you can't help as much it makes no difference, you even intend to do whatever you can under the circustances.

  • WTWizard

    I will miss those Watchtower studies. For sure, I will never want to go back to getting the ones that the Puketower Society conducts, because then I would not hear the comments you will not hear.

    I only hope someone else can pick it up for a while, preferably someone that has access to the current literature. I understand that it will not be up to the quality that we are used to, but it will allow Blondie to get well deserved time off while allowing us to still get some of the comments. And it will allow other posters a chance to help by posting their own comments.

    And I understand that anyone who subs will need all the help and patience they can get. Blondie has been doing this for several years, and a newbie will not likely be as observant with the comments. That is where we can help: If anyone sees something that they miss or where it could be improved, then please post the missing comment (preferably along with the paragraph where it goes) or the addition to enhance it. Hopefully this will only be temporary. But, either way it doesn't hurt to have two or three people available--people get sick, and computers do not last forever either (I want to see at least something even if Blondie suffers a computer failure or an Internet blackout for the week).

  • juni

    (((Blondie))) Enjoy life!

    Peace, Juni

  • minimus

    I just wanted to say how much we have appreciated Blondie's WT. contributions.


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