read the Bible for yourself

by a friend 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JamesThomas

    a friend:

    Seems a lot of people are depending on everyone else to solve their problem. Questions like who is Jehovah, who is Jesus, what is the truth, are some of the deep spiritual truths asked by all of us. However, the Bible is the one to turn to when questioning. I know this because I questioned. Because of God's love for me, He began to give me answers when I sincerely spent time with His Word. So... the Bible, God's Word, God's speaking to me, was the only answer for me. Truth was very plain. I am very thankful for His mercy and unconditional love toward me that while I was a sinner, He offered himself to take my place of punishment. An awesome God, I must say. And the only God that is alive and well.

    I'm sure you mean well, a friend. However, guiding people to an archaic tribal story book does not give us truth, so much as blind us to it. Truth, is what IS, what is actual and real. Truth, is not in conceptual memories of past, or in make-believe fantasies of future, not in beliefs of any kind, but rather found only within the actual present moment of vibrant conscious aliveness and be-ing. Generally it is when we are so deeply asleep, so completely ignorant, blind, numb and oblivious to reality that we feel a need to identify our life with a book and its shallow and empty definitions of "significance", "meaning", and "truth". The stories and little god-images you have chiseled within the dark corners of your mind, have made you into a well-meaning peddler of sedative-hypnotics and trinkets. Sadly, some will follow you into oblivion. I wish you the best, j

  • Hortensia

    I read the Bible, from cover to cover. We used to have to do that - three chapters a day and you read the Bible in a year, year after year after year. You couldn't force me to read the Bible, it is not more inspired by god than the yellow pages.

  • Open mind
    Open mind
    read the Bible for yourself

    That's enough to get a posse Judicial Committee rounded up where I come from.

    Open Mind

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear A Friend,

    WELCOME to the forum! I agree with you regarding reading the Bible. Unfortunately though for many this can be very confusing especially for thosed raised a JW since they know no other Bible but the New World Translation. They don't know which Bible to trust, and quite frankly it is easy to see why some just give up.

    I stopped using the NWT when I realised that the very Bible I used to pride myself in knowing not only added Jehovahs name in the Hebrew texts (which I was very proud of) but it also added his name in the Greek scriptures where Jehovahs name never was to begin with. That made me angry since the scriptures are very clear about how Jehovah feels about anyone adding to or taking away from the things written. The Bible says even if it was a Angel from heaven, "Let him be accursed". In no way shape or form is there any excuse to add to what was not originally in the scriptures. If God wanted it there he would have seen to it when he inspired it .

    Anyhow..I think that is a big reason why so many don't trust the Bible anymore. They have been lied to and decieved even from the very Bibles they once held dear. Personally I enjoy reading from a wide variety of Bibles to double check each other. Thank you for your post.


    Lady Liberty

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear JIS,

    WELCOME to the forum, we are happy to have you here too!!


    Lady Liberty

  • gymbob

    After spending 40+ years reading the bible, I can say I believe I know it pretty well. I mean after all, it's only ONE BOOK.

    I began actually learning about the book when I did research on who decided to put it together, and why.

    It's now my opinion that it is a collection of hebrew myths and fables. Almost every culture has one.....

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